DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Professor Bob Warwick Head of Department.

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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Professor Bob Warwick Head of Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Professor Bob Warwick Head of Department

2 Department of Physics and Astronomy Astrophysics & Space Science Research at Leicester First sounding rocket experiment – 1961 Development of an internationally competitive research programme in: X-ray Astronomy Involvement in highly successful missions such as: Ariel V, Einstein, EXOSAT, Ginga, ROSAT, Chandra, XMM Parallel Developments in: Radio & Space Plasma Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics The Queen’s Anniversary Prize 1994 “A world-class teaching, research and consultancy programme in astronomy, space and planetary science”

3 Department of Physics and Astronomy Astrophysics & Space Science Cont. Purpose-built Space Research Centre (SRC) opened in 1998 Second phase of SRC building opened 2002

4 Department of Physics and Astronomy ASTRONOMY, ASTROPHYSICS & SPACE SCIENCE RESEARCH IN THE DEPARTMENT Theoretical Astrophysics Group Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group X-ray and Observational Astronomy Group Space Research Group (Instrumentation, Earth Observation Science, Space Projects)

5 Department of Physics and Astronomy The Scale of the PPARC Programme at Leicester Academic staff engaged on PPARC programmes  20 New academic posts  7 SRIF2: Computing/Instrumentation  £1.7 million Research staff engaged on PPARC programmes  60 Clerical/Technical Support Staff  20 26 PPARC grants  £17.7 million Postgraduate students  30

6 Department of Physics and Astronomy Major PPARC Research Projects in the Department EPIC instrument on XMM-Newton (ESA PI) XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (ESA PI) HF Radar, SPEAR on Svalbard Host of UKAFF Supercomputer Major role in AstroGrid (e-science) Instruments for Swift, JWST and Bepi-Columbo

7 The Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group’s new SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) facility on Svalbard. Wave-wave interactions stimulated by SPEAR

8 Beagle 2 Instrument Development in the SRC PLANETARY EXPLORATION Cassini at Saturn BepiColombo at Mercury

9 Department of Physics and Astronomy A Neutron Star/Black Hole Encounter

10 Accreting Black-holes in the Nearby Galaxy M101 OPTICAL X-RAY

11 Subaru /XMM-Newton Deep Field OPTICAL X-RAY

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