AT THE Clinic scenario #2

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1 AT THE Clinic scenario #2
By: Claudia Diaz & Alexander Pineda AT THE Clinic scenario #2

2 The parents of 14-year old Megan are concerned about her height because she is only 4 feet tall and they are both close to 6 feet tall. After tests by their doctor, certain hormones are prescribed for the girl. What is the probable diagnosis? What hormones are prescribed and explain why the girl might expect to reach normal height?

3 Causes… Abnormal development of pituitary may cause hypopituitarism or growth hormone deficiency Damage to the pituitary by trauma can cause a child to stop growing at normal rates Kidney failures, diabetes, AIDs, & turner syndrome affect the pituitary natural function Sex hormones, testosterones, and estrogens have significant impact on the timing of growth

4 Conditions of ghd Growth hormone disorder is a disorder involving the pituitary gland. The gland produces growth hormone and other hormones , but when it does not produce enough growth hormone; growth will be slower than normal. GHD can occur at any age and has a pattern of growing less than 2 inch per year Usually children grow normally 2-3 years then start showing signs of GHD In GHD children have normal body proportions and tend to look younger than kids their own age Symptoms of GHD are : Short height for their age Increased amount of fat in the waist or face Look younger than their actual age Have delayed puberty Have delayed tooth development

5 Treatment… Megan is suffering from GHD
Two hormones frequently given are somatren and somatropin Injections are administered 3 to 7 times a week Growth is usually visible after 3 to 4 months of treatment Administered over a period of 2 to 4 years or until child reaches normal height Normal height range for men is 5’7”-5’11” for women it is 5’2”-5’6”

6 Conditions of hormone…
Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis in bone and muscle It stimulates the use of fat as fuel so that lean body mass increases and the skeleton grows Fat and liver tissue are affected directly to release fat molecules, decrease glucose uptake and increases glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogenolysis to glucose)

7 Symptoms Some complications include: Rare Complications: Side effects:
Headaches, change in heart rate, ear infections, hearing problems, dizziness, vision problems, and nervousness Rare Complications: Pain or swelling at the injection site, pain in the hip or knee, a limp, or nausea and vomiting Side effects: Flu-like symptoms, constipation, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, weight gain, and tightness in chest

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