1 Families and Seniors Together: Building Relationships (FAST – 2)

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1 1 Families and Seniors Together: Building Relationships (FAST – 2)

2 2 Adapting the FAST Model for Older People  Social isolation and loneliness (emotional isolation) recognised as an important health issue given its negative impact on well being and quality of life  In UK, 2-20% of people over the age of 65 are socially isolated (Victor et al., 2000)  Social context and physical environment exert a more potent influence up the experience of old age than intrinsic genetic or biological factors (Victor et al., 2005)  Despite numerous interventions implemented nationally and internationally little is known about what is effective (Cattan et al., 2005)  Both National Service Framework for Mental Health and for Older People encourage local health promotion sectors to address this issue

3 3 Adapting the FAST Model for Older People  Target ‘at risk’ communities where there is a likelihood of older people being socially and/or emotionally isolated (ie. people at risk but not necessarily identified)  Key assumptions: (1) ageing may be stressful for individual and family; (2) social bonds between generations positively affects psychosocial functioning and builds cohesion  Need to build protective factors for well-being (eg. number and complexity of social contacts) and minimise risk factors for social and/or emotional isolation (eg. absence of social resources, family stress or conflict)

4 4 FAST – 2 Team and Community Links  Team  3 older people  1 family carer  Director of Healthy Hillingdon, Primary Care Trust  2 social workers from Hillingdon Social Services Older People’s Team  2 social work academics/researchers  Director, Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies  Currently recruiting younger person  Community links  3 lunch clubs in different areas of borough  Volunteer groups (including a befriending scheme and church community) for a missing generation (ie. fictive kin)  Leader of Hillingdon Council for possible funding for pilot (s)

5 5 Proposed Model  Proposed key strategic goals (based on research evidence):  Social engagement and well being for older person (ie. building relationships)  Strengthening overall family system (ie. facilitating communication)  Family carer support (ie. linking family to appropriate community resources; peer support)  Strengthening intergenerational relationships (ie. relationships between younger and older generations)  Linking older people, families and community (ie. building relationships) “It’s not just for older people; it’s social capital for everyone!”

6 6 Proposed Model  Proposed structure (based on research evidence):  Multi-family groups (n=10) for 8 weeks  Family defined by participants but must include 3 generations  Family within geographic region  Any generation missing filled in with volunteers who act as fictive kin  2.5 hour agenda – will include family meal, shared activity (s) and one-to-one time for older and middle generation and older and younger generation  Group facilitators are other older people, family carers, younger generation and social workers  Implementation and outcome evaluation “Creating a society for all ages.”

7 7 FAST – 2 and EBP  Use of existing knowledge/theory (that which is transferable) and making it contextually relevant – thus the creation of new knowledge with contextual relevance  Engagement with older people, family carers and younger generation to develop a model of practice – thus embracing multiple perspectives  Maintaining commitment to social work values (ie. well being for all, valuing diversity, etc)  Value of evaluating the new model – new knowledge that makes a social contribution and supports professional accountability

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