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中 国 人 的 家 庭中 国 人 的 家 庭. Traditional family Family members are numerous and there are many households with three or more generation.

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Presentation on theme: "中 国 人 的 家 庭中 国 人 的 家 庭. Traditional family Family members are numerous and there are many households with three or more generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 中 国 人 的 家 庭中 国 人 的 家 庭

2 Traditional family Family members are numerous and there are many households with three or more generation.

3 Typical Chinese family

4 One-child policy in China China’s population 1.3 billion = 1300000000 people from 1970”s

5 "One Child, One Family" Poster in Chendu, Sichuan.

6 Family members are small and there are only three people for most of the families.

7 My family ma ma 妈 妈 ba ba 爸 爸 er zi 儿 子

8 Peter 彼 德

9 ma ma 妈 妈 ba ba 爸 爸 nu er 女 儿 er zi 儿 子 di di 弟 弟 jie jie 姐 姐 relationship

10 Learn to write Daughter 爸 爸弟 弟妈 妈姐 姐儿 子女 儿爸 爸弟 弟妈 妈姐 姐儿 子女 儿 Dad Younger brother Mom Sister Son

11 ge ge 哥 哥 mei mei 妹 妹 older brother younger sister older sisterjie jie 姐 姐 younger brother di di 弟 弟

12 grandpa on father’s side ye ye 爷 爷 grandma on father’s side nai nai 奶 奶 grandpa on mother’s side grandma on mother’s side wai gong 外 公 wai po 外 婆

13 Make a family tree

14 A game Form a family Family Member Scavenge Find members of your family

15 Bring your colored pencil here, and you are going to make a family tree of your own family.

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