Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 The Framework for the day  Session 1 – the background and theory and story of P Scales.

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Presentation on theme: "Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 The Framework for the day  Session 1 – the background and theory and story of P Scales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 The Framework for the day  Session 1 – the background and theory and story of P Scales  Session 2 – Moderation and Levelling  Session 3 – Hands on Experience of Moderation  Session 4 – Organising a levelling / moderation opportunity

2 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 2 Aims of the East Midlands P Scale Moderation Group  To develop a sustainable consistent model of moderation of work for pupils who are working below age related expectations.

3 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 3 How  By providing materials to support the development of an East Midlands accredited moderation network.  By providing training in the use of the moderation materials in a supportive yet systematic framework to ensure consistency.  By providing expertise in moderation which can be shared across all LA’s

4 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 4 The Model for disseminating training and organising moderation

5 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 5 Meeting Individual Needs Flexible models to meet individual LEA needs  Constraints and opportunities.  Funding  LEA development plan  Existing LEA structures

6 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 6 Possible routes for cascading training  Through Local Moderation Networks  Through Regional Moderation Networks  From LA personnel  Through Special Schools  Through Services

7 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 7 East Midlands Solution  To use the Derbyshire model and expertise to train a bank of trainers / moderators for each LA who will be able to replicate the practice in their locality.

8 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 8 The National Context  SEN progression Materials  Data collection  Rose  Bercow  Lamb  Ofsted  Raising Barriers to Achievement

9 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 9 Removing Barriers to Achievement: A Strategy for SEN ‘promote and extend the use of P scales….help schools assess the progress …pupils working towards level 1 of the national Curriculum’  Minor revisions, including separating the strands for speaking and listening and reviewing the perceived gap between P8 and Level 1.  Promote greater and more effective use of the P Scales by producing moderation materials.  Produce guidance for schools to support these changes.  P Scales are part of the national data collection exercise from schools.”

10 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 10 Our Focus Assessment / Moderation / Levelling the use of the P scales within the ‘bigger picture’

11 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 11 FAQS about P Scales  The true / false tool The true / false tool

12 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 12 P scales  broad descriptors of attainment below NC level 1  track progress towards NC level 1  one tool within planning, teaching and learning, assessment + reporting process  framework for summative assessment  data for use as part of target setting + whole school improvement process (Teachers TV Intro)(Teachers TV Intro) ( P Scales Video)( P Scales Video)

13 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 13 Assessment at different levels  Pupil  Cohort  School  LEA  Wider view  Basic Principles Basic Principles

14 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 14 Inclusive Assessment Process  Demonstrates progress and attainment across the pupil population  Links National Curriculum, Literacy and Numeracy strategies  Supports target setting  Demonstrates ‘value-added’  Informs parents

15 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 15 Assessment & inclusion issues  Entitlement for achievements + progress of all pupils to be recognised  Highlights appropriateness of whole curriculum and informs access for pupils working towards NC level 1  Assessment tools that support the inclusion of pupils in any school setting

16 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 16 Purpose of Assessment  of learning – summative assessment  for learning – formative assessment

17 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 17 Assessment for Learning  Be part of effective planning & teaching  Focus on how students learn  Central to classroom practice  Promote learning goals  Involve learners in the process  Recognise the achievements of all learners

18 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 18 Teacher Assessment Formative -  acknowledges strengths, needs, preferred learning styles,interests and efforts of pupils  Informs planning on an ongoing basis Summative -  demonstrates the attainments and progression of all pupils

19 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 19 OfSTED Teachers can support pupils’ review of learning by enabling them to answer the following questions: 1)How well am I doing? 2)How well should I be doing? 3)What more should I aim to do? 4)What must I do to make progress and meet targets set? 5)How do I know if the additional provision has been effective? (page 18)

20 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 20 P scales  levels P1 – P3: earliest levels of general attainment (Generic)  levels P4 –P8: subject-related attainment  Revised 2007 - Reissued 2008  P scale data collection  RAISE On Line

21 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 21 Making judgements  ‘ best fit’  rounded

22 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 22 A framework for recognising attainment  Encounter  Awareness  Attention and response  Engagement  Participation  Involvement  Gaining skills and understanding

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