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1 Armour Ranch Road Bridge Emergency Repairs SB County Project Number 01STRM R015 Storm Damage caused during March 5 th 2001 storm.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Armour Ranch Road Bridge Emergency Repairs SB County Project Number 01STRM R015 Storm Damage caused during March 5 th 2001 storm."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Armour Ranch Road Bridge Emergency Repairs SB County Project Number 01STRM R015 Storm Damage caused during March 5 th 2001 storm.

2 2 Damage Description Scour hole discovered behind grouted rip rap bridge abutment protection. Scour hole caused by inadequate scour protection.

3 3 Inspection on 10/24/01 revealed dangerous situation prompting need for immediate action. Section View

4 4 Construction Began 10/29/2001 Breakup existing Rock Riprap over scour hole.

5 5 Exposed Bridge Piles

6 6 REPAIRS Remove undermined Rock riprap Grout behind bridge piles Fill void with rock and concrete

7 7 Scour Protection Toe Extension Extend toe 5 feet below existing depth.

8 8 Plan View Scour protection toe extension required to prevent future losses due to scour during storm events.

9 9 Filling toe trench.

10 10 Placing rock in trench.

11 11 Placing concrete in rock filled toe trench.

12 12 New and improved rock riprap bridge pile scour protection.

13 13 Finished Construction 11/7/2001.

14 14 Project Funding Office of Emergency Services $20,770 budgeted Actual Construction Cost = $93,542

15 15 The End

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