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Unit IV: The Renaissance

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1 Unit IV: The Renaissance
Chapter 14: The Renaissance Spirit

2 Renaissance Spirit Renaissance 15th & 16th centuries in Europe
worth of the individual insatiable searching for knowledge term borrowed from art history “rebirth” birth of modern Europe and Western society as we know it today

3 Renaissance Spirit Major Developments philosophical Historical
“humanism” “rebirth” of classical learning emphasis on human life now Church less powerful education considered status symbol from religious to secular society Historical Columbus, Magellan….

4 Renaissance Spirit Inventions and Discoveries inventions Science
printing press gunpowder Science universe revolves around the sun, not the earth theology Martin Luther and Reformation

5 Renaissance Spirit Painting
patrons include Church plus wealthy families (Medici) secular subjects mixed with sacred portrait painting depth perception

6 “School of Athens” by Raphael (1483-1520)

7 Renaissance Spirit Sculpture “Renaissance” man
emphasize physical details of human figure expressed, but controlled emotion Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

8 “David” by Donatello (1386?-1466)

9 “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

10 “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci

11 “David” by Michelangelo (1475-1564)

12 Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo

13 “Creation of Adam”

14 Renaissance Spirit Renaissance Musical Style
musical training = part of general education more secular music

15 Renaissance Spirit characteristics of music
still more vocal than instrumental “word painting” polyphonic texture more “consonant” harmony gentle rhythms… conjunct melody “a cappella”

16 Renaissance Sacred Music
Early Renaissance Mass 5 parts of Ordinary (Text, pg. 102) Kyrie from the Greek ABA form (Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie) Gloria “Glory be to God on High” Credo “I believe in one God…” longest text

17 Renaissance Sacred Music
Sanctus “Holy, Holy, Holy…”… “Hosanna” Agnus Dei Lamb of God sung 3 times Requiem Mass “Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine” (Grant them eternal rest, O Lord) Dies Irae

18 Renaissance Sacred Music
Cantus Firmus Mass “fixed melody” cantus firmus = foundation of work unify initially, CF = from Gregorian Chant to … same Gregorian CF for each of 5 parts to … secular CF

19 Renaissance Sacred Music
Guillaume Dufay ( ) “G. duFay” (du - “fa” - y) L’homme armeé Mass: Kyrie Text, pg. 104 secular CF “L’homme armeé” (The Armed Man) Renaissance Motet sacred form with a single, Latin text used in Mass, etc.

20 Renaissance Sacred Music
3-4 voices based on Chant or other melodies Josquin des Prez (c ) Franco-Flemish (Netherlands) School Ave Maria…virgo serena Text, pg. 106

21 Renaissance Sacred Music
High Renaissance Mass musical settings for the Ordinary Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei Counter-Reformation recapture minds of the people Council of Trent

22 Renaissance Sacred Music
Objections “noisy” instrument in service secular popular songs in Mass singers embellishing the chant complex, polyphonic settings Solution: Monophonic chant only!! Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c 100 + masses

23 Renaissance Sacred Music
“Pope Marcellus” Mass Pope Marcellus II 6 voices a cappella audible text Text, pg. 110

24 Renaissance Secular Music
Instrumental dance music last half of 16th century written by professional composers patterned after secular vocal works Secular vocal music 2 types Renaissance (15th century) Chanson 3 voices courtly love text “fixed form” of Middle Ages

25 Renaissance Secular Music
Renaissance Madrigal vocal work for several solo voices set to short poem, usually about love “word painting” often include instruments 2 types: Italian and English

26 Renaissance Secular Music
16th C. Italian madrigal 3 composers Luca Marenzio ( ) over 400 excessive word painting and dissonance Carlo Gesualdo (c ) prince of Venosa had wife and her lover murdered Claudio Monteverdi ( ) 12 years for Duke of Mantua 30 St. Mark’s in Venice

27 Renaissance Secular Music
8 books of Madrigals Ecco mormorar l’onde (Hear, now, the waves murmur) Text – nature “word painting” Criticized – use of “unprepared” dissonance “high” voices vs. “low” voices Ferrara – professional women singers Text, pg. 118

28 Renaissance Secular Music
English Madrigal Musica Transalpina (1588) Italian madrigals with texts translated into English Elizabethan age Thomas Morley, John Wilbye, and Thomas Weelkes English version lighter and more humor “ballett” (“fa-la-la” refrain)

29 Renaissance to Baroque
“Fair Phyllis” (Text, pg. 121) John Farmer St. Mark’s more than one vocal ensemble “Cori spezzati” divide choir and instruments “Polychoral” music - antiphonal style Giovanni Gabrielli “Sonata pian’ e forte” O quam suavis, Text, pg. 125

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