OpenEarth OpenEarthTools = Open source management of Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal science & technology.. and what about More information.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenEarth OpenEarthTools = Open source management of Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal science & technology.. and what about More information."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenEarth OpenEarthTools = Open source management of Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal science & technology.. and what about More information at:

2 DataTools Models XBeach Information

3 SSB P 15 DataTools Models Information

4 Data quality, availability and accessibility for analysis is substandard Models and tools used and developed by specialists are insufficiently documented and often lack version control Developments to remedy the two above points are often hampered by the existence of (artificial) project boundaries Working like this is grossly inefficient We can do much better!! Although data, models, tools and information are the corner stones of hydraulic engineering projects: Introduction

5 Surely you recognize the following emotions? ohh, I used the wrong version ahh, where is the last version hmm, where was this measured oops, I forgot to include the timezone wow, you can actually show that in GoogleEarth? aarghh, the guy who measured it left? sigh, surely someone must have solved this problem before me! OpenEarth was started as a bottom up initiative by project engineers to break this apparent endless string of disappointment and frustration by introducing an open and project superseding approach. So how does it work? Introduction

6 Calculate missing (lat,lon) on the fly 1.PCTRANS marine: much ado with external files 2.General Mapping Toolbox: only *.eps on linux 3.arcGIS: $ 4.matlab mapping: $ 5.etc. 6.matlab CTRANSDV: Rijksdriehoek, UTM, LonLat Zitman > Verploeg > Bonekamp > Elias > de Boer > ? 7.OpenEarth SuperTrans Maarten van Ormondt (Deltares) GUI & matlab command line ~ 3000 EPSG transfomations free if you join OpenEarthTools >> [x,y]=ConvertCoordinates(5,52,EPSG,'WGS 84','geo','WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N','xy',...) Gradual improvement by cooperation Example: coordinate transformation What is OpenEarth?

7 What is OpenEarth 1.philosophy 3.repository (datawarehouse) Cooperate

8 What is OpenEarth 1.philosophy 3.repository (datawarehouse) Cooperate


10 Non-zero sum game: collaboration most efficient for everybody (more pie) Tit-for-tat is what people start using for cooperation People stop collaborating after 1 st bad experience Tiny % of free riders gradually destroys collaboration Tit-for-tat+1 approach would maintain collaboration Stop collaboration only after 2 nd bad experience. Noise in system: delays + misunderstandings + force majeure also gradually cooperativeness erodes. Tit-for-tat+many maintains collaboration Mutual trust Positive attitude Cooperative atmosphere Only 1 needed OET = car starter

11 2. COMMUNITY all collaborating is not enough chaos coordination needed but no overall boss like wikipedia Project nProject 1 DataTools Models Cooperate

12 central storage 3. REPOSITORY Cooperate 1.philosophy 3.repository

13 central storage 3. REPOSITORY check that out Cooperate 1.philosophy 3.repository

14 OpenEarth repository McTools repository Company repository 3. REPOSITORY

15 central storage 4. DELIVERY data providers data users 1.philosophy 3.repository

16 central storage 4. DELIVERY Cooperate data providers = data users 1.philosophy 3.repository

17 Summarizing: What is OpenEarth? In summary, OpenEarth is: A community of users … That cooperate on the philosophy … That all data, models, tools and information … Should flow openly To facilitate effective cooperation OpenEarth: Offers a free infrastructure composed of the best available open source components adhering to widely accepted international standards … Shares all data, models, tools and information provided by previous OpenEarth projects from one shared storage location … Provides training for users to gain the (minimum) skills to cooperate effectively Some more details about the OpenEarth infrastructure …

18 OPeNDAP Server Tools Models Subversion Server User Provider Pros: Easy Backup Version control: Shared access to … one central version Pros: Uniform workflow: More efficient collaboration Raw Data Pros: For NetCDF & OpenDAP: Free visualization tools Free ICT required Subversion server Linux (file) server OPeNDAP server For private use a OpenEarth clone costs: 20 k€ hardware (10TB) Few days of installation (training)

19 OpenEarth infrastructure: data, model output, … Extract Transform LoadProvide tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data providers = data users data (volts) Make user- friendly formats Dynamic database Charts & Maps Tools & websites Archive native formats

20 Every file is logged … … and every line in every file is logged. OpenEarth infrastructure: …, model code and tools

21 OpenEarth infrastructure: information

22 OpenEarth: regular training sessions

23 OpenEarth: successful application in projects And many others … Delft – USGS coop Delft Cluster North Sea and Coast Kustlijnzorg MoS 2 monitoring of SPM for MVII etc.

24 OpenEarth OpenEarthTools = Open source management of Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal science & technology.. and what about More information at:

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