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Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6, see you soon!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6, see you soon!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6, see you soon!

2 Self Care Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others Mariah Loftin, MA, LPC Clinical Therapist

3 Before Open Sky Survival Mode: Which way is up?

4 Now at Open Sky GriefRelief

5 Grief Cycle Cycle of Grief: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (1969) Cycle of Grief: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (1969) 6 “R”s of Grief: Theresa Rando (1984) 6 “R”s of Grief: Theresa Rando (1984) 4 Tasks of Mourning: J. William Worden (1991) 4 Tasks of Mourning: J. William Worden (1991)

6 Relief What about ME?

7 Wellness Plan Put your oxygen mask on first This is not about survival anymore

8 Wellness Plan: Mind Write in a journal for at least 10 minutes Read a book you’ve been wanting to read for a long time Go to the library or the internet and research something you want to know about Turn off the television and talk with friends or family

9 Wellness Plan: Body Self Care Eat regularly and well Drink enough water Do Yoga, Aikido, Tai Chi or other activities Cook a meal made up of organic or locally- produced foods Exercise in a gym for at least 30 minutes Walk with friends or pets

10 Wellness Plan: Heart Share your feelings with someone you love Keep a feelings journal and record your feelings in it at least 3 times a day Attend a support group meeting in your area Do an activity which brings you joy, such as attending a concert, painting a painting, playing a musical instrument, etc. See your therapist

11 Wellness Plan: Soul Write down your dreams Mediate, or learn to meditate Pray Read a religious or spiritual text Explore a wilderness area near you Spend at least 60 minutes completely alone

12 Goals What do you notice about the way you spend your time? What would you like to do more of? What would you like to stay the same? What would you like to change? What are your hopes and dreams for yourself?

13 Support at Open Sky Wellness Weekend Sunday night parent phone call Weekly call Parent Web page Family Pathway Student Pathway Webinars Resource List Research

14 Thank you for participating! Mariah Loftin, MA, LPC Clinical Therapist Please keep this browser window open. When the presentation is complete, it will take you to a short survey for todays webinar.

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