Standards for Literacy in February 7, 2013 8:00 – 11:15pm.

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1 Standards for Literacy in February 7, 2013 8:00 – 11:15pm

2 Welcome  Restroom Key  Start/End Time  Efficiency Norms  Be physically and mentally present (i.e. take a break from personal technology)  Focus on our circle of influence  Pull your own learning wagon  Avoid side conversations  Be open minded and respectful of shared information  I Choose C I Choose C

3 Today’s Targets  I will engage in relevant discourse with grade level peers.  I will create learning targets for the Literacy Standards for Science.  I will select one or two literacy standards to explicitly teach in an upcoming unit of study.


5 Emphasis on Informational Text

6 Emphasis on Informational Text Distribution of Literary and Information Passages By Grade in the 2009 NAEP Reading Framework GradeLiteraryInformation 450% 845%55% 1230%70%

7 Smarter Balanced Assessment 2014-15 Current 6 th graders will be taking this assessment as 8 th graders.

8 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)  Based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council  Oregon is a lead state partner  “The current Oregon standards are tied closely to the NRC’s framework for science education and therefore are well positioned to transfer to the NGSS.”

9 How do we get from these CCSS literacy standards to what our focus is in the classroom from day to day? LEARNING TARGETS  Teachers need to know what our instructional purpose is  Students need to know what their learning purpose is

10 What is a learning target? Explaining the intended learning in student-friendly terms at the outset of a lesson is the critical first step in helping students know where they are going...Students cannot assess their own learning or set goals to work toward without a clear vision of the intended learning. When they do try to assess their own achievement without understanding the learning targets they have been working toward, their conclusions are vague and unhelpful. (Stiggins, Arter, Cahappuis & Chappius, 2004, pp. 58-59)

11 To consider… 1. What do kids need to know (concepts) and be able to do (skills)? 2. Are they able to be assessed?


13 1. Individually, read through the 11-12 standard, the 9-10 standard, then 6-8 standard. 2. In your group, summarize your understanding of the standard and the level of complexity in each band. 3. Next, examine the learning targets from the 9-10 and 11-12 grade bands. 4. Evaluate or create complementary learning targets for your assigned standards in the 6-8 band. a) Highlight what students need to be able to do (verbs/verb phrases – Skills) b) Underline what students need to know about (nouns/noun phrases – Concepts). c) Write learning targets in kid-friendly language that use the skills and concepts you underlined/highlighted. 5. Be ready to share out. Our Process


15 6th Trimester 1 RI 1 RI 2 RI 6 RI 7 RI 10 6th Trimester 2 RI 1 RI 2 RI 3 RI 4 RI 6 RI 8 RI 10 6th Trimester 3 RI 3 RI 5 RI 8 RI 9 RI 10 7 th Trimester 3 RI 4 RI 7 RI 10 7 th Trimester 2 RI 3 RI 4 RI 6 RI 8 RI 9 RI 10 7 th Trimester 1 RI 1 RI 2 RI 4 RI 5 RI 10 8 th Trimester 1 RI 2 RI 4 RI 5 RI 10 8 th Trimester 2 RI 1 RI 3 RI 4 RI 6 RI 7 RI 10 8 th Trimester 3 RI 4 RI 8 RI 9 RI 10 ELA Scope and Sequence of Literacy Standards

16 RH.6 Author’s Purpose RH.8 Facts and Speculations RH.4 Academic Vocabulary Strategies in Action

17 Resources with Erin F-B  Classroom Teacher – 12 years  Librarian – Last 10 years  2009 Outstanding Secondary School Librarian by the Oregon Association of School Libraries  2010 West Orient Middle School's library was chosen as the Outstanding School Library in the state of Oregon by the American Association of School Librarians.  Travel Blog – A Week or a Weekend  Professional Photographer – Kidding Around Photography  K-8 District Library Coordinator for Gresham-Barlow


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