Www.engageNY.org CUNY edTPA Launch October 12, 2012.

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1 www.engageNY.org CUNY edTPA Launch October 12, 2012

2 2 Current Assessments for Teacher Certification Planned Assessments for Teacher Certification Assessment of Teaching Skills -Written edTPA Educating All Students Test Liberal Arts and Sciences Test Academic Literacy Skills Test Content Specialty TestRevised Content Specialty Test Shifts in Educator Certification Exams for Teachers (Traditional)

3 www.engageNY.org 3 NYS Adoption of the edTPA In March 2012, the NYS Board of Regents adopted the edTPA as the NYS performance assessment for initial certification for the following reasons: 1.Because of the intended multi-state administration, the edTPA potentially offers more data to determine field credibility, validity analysis, and ongoing rigor. 2.The edTPA will have been field tested with a much larger number of candidates, increasing the reliability and validity of the assessment. 3.The potential multi-state administration will provide a larger data set to benchmark New York against other states—both at the outset, when we set passing scores for initial certification, and in the future, as we monitor the effectiveness of certification policies in practice.

4 www.engageNY.org Questions from the CUNY Session These slides are for discussion purposes only. The content of these slides may be subject to change as the examination is implemented and/or if Department regulations are amended.

5 www.engageNY.org Which edTPA :Gifted and Talented edTPA is a requirement for initial certification areas; additional edTPAs will not be needed for extensions.

6 www.engageNY.org Which edTPA : Bilingual edTPA is a requirement for initial certification areas; additional edTPAs will not be needed for extensions.

7 www.engageNY.org Which edTPA : CTE CTE candidates will continue to take the ATS-W ** until such time that a performance assessment for CTE is developed. **The Department will be recommending amendments to the proposed regulations that were discussed at the September 2012 Board of Regents meeting.

8 www.engageNY.org Dual Cert: Which edTPA Dual Cert candidates will only need to complete one edTPA. Candidates and programs should work together to determine the edTPA that is most appropriate. The Department will be putting out additional guidance crosswalking edTPA handbooks with certification areas as we move closer to implementation.

9 www.engageNY.org Communication with P-12 A roll-out plan for school superintendents and administration notification is being developed by NYSED. This plan includes written correspondence, presentations and outreach to inform key stakeholders on edTPA including: Letter to the field Monthly newsletter

10 www.engageNY.org Videotaping and edTPA Pearson and SCALE have prepared the document "Confidentiality and Security of edTPA Field Test Materials and Assessment Data," which outlines comprehensive security and confidentiality policies.Confidentiality and Security of edTPA Field Test Materials and Assessment Data

11 www.engageNY.org Timeline Justification The change in the timeline was presented at the Feb 2012 BOR meeting, where the implementation date was pushed back a year. This new date gave additional time to prepare candidates and aligned with the Regents Reform Agenda and Race to the Top timelines.

12 www.engageNY.org Setting the Passing Score Data from the New York State Validation Activity, which will be conducted in the spring of 2013, will be used by New York State to determine a state passing score. A committee of New York educators, determined by NYSED, will be informed by the Validation Activity data and will recommend a passing score. Data from the nationwide Field Test will also be made available to the Standard Setting Committee and NYSED personnel. The Commissioner will set the state passing score.

13 www.engageNY.org Resubmitting the TPA Candidates should consider timing as they complete the edTPA, to allow time for resubmission in the event that they do not pass.

14 www.engageNY.org Assessments and Candidate Retention Many fields have licensure exams that may cause people to leave the profession. Programs, supervisors and cooperating teachers can support candidates, but ultimately the decision to leave a field is at the discretion of our teacher candidates.

15 www.engageNY.org Establishment of Placements Department regulations currently require 2 college-supervised student-teaching experiences of at least 20 days; or at least two - college supervised practica with individual students or groups of students of at least 20 school days. Beyond that the timing and length of placements are program decisions.

16 www.engageNY.org What is the cost of the edTPA for Students? The final cost is still being determined. However, the assessment fee is estimated to be $300.

17 www.engageNY.org Information about edTPA The NYSTCE website, www.nystce.nesinc.com, provides edTPA information, including links to additional resources.www.nystce.nesinc.com Additional questions can be directed to edcertpolicy@mail.nysed.gov

18 www.engageNY.org Thank You.

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