Welcome to Grizzell Middle School 5 th grade Parent Information Night March 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Grizzell Middle School 5 th grade Parent Information Night March 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Grizzell Middle School 5 th grade Parent Information Night March 5, 2013

2 A day as a 6 th grade student @ GMS Three academic classes a day Math everyday (84 minutes) Language Arts everyday (84 minutes) Science/Social Studies (84 minutes) Two related arts classes a day (42 minutes each) Reading 6, PE 6 (one semester each – 18 weeks) Music/Study Center (year long, A day/B day rotation) Lunch (30 minutes)

3 Related Arts Reading 6 18 weeks 42 minutes a day All grade 6 students will be given the opportunity to refine academic, reading and informational skills in this semester course. Some units of study include Reading in Science, Social Studies and Technology; Reading Self and Society; Reading in Media. In addition to supporting reading skills in academic core classes, this course will provide students a source of enjoyment as they begin their middle school experience.

4 Related Arts Physical Education 6 18 weeks 42 minutes a day Physical Education 6 involves fitness activities and net sports. In accordance with National Standards, students will actively participate, demonstrate responsible behavior and positive sportsmanship. Students will recognize and follow safety rules and classroom procedures, respect others, and try new and challenging activities. We recommend that students change their clothes for PE.

5 Related Arts Music and Study Center will be on an A day/B day rotation 42 minutes daily Music Band Choir Orchestra Level I & II Study Center Opportunity for students to receive additional academic support and extend academic knowledge

6 Counselors’ Role Assist and support students, parents, teachers & administrators Teach lessons supporting the Dublin City Schools K-12 Guidance Curriculum Assist students with personal, social, educational & career counseling needs Coordinate students related services and activities

7 Clubs & Activities Principal’s Advisory Council 6 th Grade Dance Club Junior Teen Institute/ FOR Celtic Crew Lego League Celtic Connections Investment Club Student Council Yearbook

8 Canteens Friday nights for Grizzell students 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. PTO Volunteer sign-up Food, friends, and music

9 Scheduling Course selection sheets were handed out at the elementary to students Middle school course handbook with course descriptions can be found on the Grizzell website under School Info 2013-2014 Course selection sheets should be completed and returned to the elementary classroom teacher by March 8th.

10 Things Have Changed!

11 School Information Student day is from 8:28 – 3:08 Grizzell will open to students beginning at 7:45 Attendance Policy Dress Code Student Transportation

12 Grizzell Supply Sale August 12 and August 13, 2013 9:00am-12:00pm and 4:00-7:00pm Complete PTO information sheet Student I.D./ Grizzell yearbook photos will be taken Get an Activity Pass PTO Supply Sale (look for supply lists & order forms on the website) Deposit money to school lunch accounts Order 2013-14 Yearbooks

13 www.dublinschools.net/grizzell Our district and building websites will be updated with important information. Please visit our website regularly.

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