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ATP, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Web quest

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1 ATP, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Web quest
Web Quest answers ATP, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Web quest

2 What is ATP?
1. How does energy get converted from food molecules to muscles? ATP 2. According to the webpage, the analogy for ATP is that ATP works like a rechargeable Battery 3. Click on the arrow to the next page. Pull apart the ice cream. What happens when food is broken down in the body? Its broken down into chemical energy

3 What is Photosynthesis. http://www. biology. ualberta
4. Where on the plant does photosynthesis take place? Leaf 5. The energy from the sun enters into what organelle in the plant? Chloroplast 6. How does the plant get water for photosynthesis? Roots 7. What gas enters the plant for photosynthesis? Carbon Dioxide

4 What is Photosynthesis. http://www. biology. ualberta
8. Where does it enter the plant? Stomata 9. What gas exits the plant during photosynthesis? Oxygen 10. Where does it exit the plant? Stomata 11. What is the overall equation for photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 12H2O + sunlight -> C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2

5 The light & Dark Reaction: http://library. thinkquest
12. Briefly describe the light reaction (Photosystems). - Depends on light energy to produce glucose. ATP is produced that will help turn CO2 into glucose. 13. Briefly describe the Dark Reaction (Calvin Cycle). Process that occurs without light. It fixes the carbon molecules in carbon dioxide into glucose.

6 Overview of Photosynthesis Labeling. Label the following picture below

7 What is Cellular Respiration?
29. What is the definition of Cellular Respiration?(in purple) - breaking down sugar in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) 30. What happens during cellular respiration? Sugar is broken down to CO2 and H2O, and in the process, ATP is made that can then be used for cellular work 31. What’s the equation for Cellular Respiration? C6H12O6 + 6O2 ------> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ~38 ATP

8 Stages of Cellular respiration. http://www. essortment
31. What are the three steps of Cellular respiration? Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain 32. What is an alternative to cellular respiration? Fermentation

9 Glycolysis 33. What does glycolysis involve? the breaking down of glucose molecules from carbohydrates into molecules of pyruvate, which will continue on to the Krebs Cycle. 34. Where does it occur? in the cytosol of the cell  35. Does it require oxygen? No 36. Glycolysis produces: 2 ATP molecules, as well as a release of 2 water molecules and 2 NADH molecules (these are another type of energy-rich molecule)

10 Kreb’s Cycle 37. Which organelle does this take place? Mitochondria
38. What is produced once a carbon & two oxygen molecules are removed from pyruvates? Aceytl CoA 40. Does it need oxygen? Yes 41. This cycle produces: 4 carbon dioxide molecules, 6 NADH molecules, 2 ATP molecules and 2 FADH2 molecules (yet another energy-yielding molecule).

11 Electron Transport Chain
42. What is the electron transport chain? The electron transport chain is a network of electron-carrying proteins located in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. 43. The electron transport chain produces the remaining ATP’s

12 Fermentation -
44. What is the difference between lactic acid fermentation & ethanol fermentation? *Lactic Acid- Waste products released by the skeletal muscles. * Ethanol- Waste products released by yeast.

13 Overview of Cellular Respiration Labeling
Overview of Cellular Respiration Labeling. Label the following picture to the left.

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