Self starter… Check through your critical writing using a different colour pen make any necessary corrections and answer my questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Self starter… Check through your critical writing using a different colour pen make any necessary corrections and answer my questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self starter… Check through your critical writing using a different colour pen make any necessary corrections and answer my questions.

2 Where am I in my learning journey? RESEARCHING & MAKING CONNECTIONS Higher order skills 30 – 39 Limited I can describe the work of others and in a limited way noticing some of the techniques used 40 – 49 Generally consistent I can describe the work of others including the ideas and the techniques involved I can basically copy techniques 50 – 59 Consistent  I can comment on and compare the work of others including the ideas and the techniques involved, relating these to the context the work was made in  I can copy the artist style 60 – 69 Competent I can competently comment on, compare and evaluate the work of others including the ideas, techniques and approaches involved, relating these to the context the work was made in I can use the language of art and design I can experiment with relevant materials using the artist style

3 Today’s Aims:  Self starter – critical writing  Recap last lesson  Continue paintings ‘How am I going to make my painting more personal?’

4 Objectives: To continue to develop… - understanding of colour - painting techniques

5 Where am I in my learning journey? DESIGNING, PLAYING & MAKING EXPERIMENTING Higher order skills 30 – 39 Limited  I can create a limited designs  I can use a limited range of materials and processes 40 – 49 Generally consistent  I can try out different ideas and designs  I can use a range of different materials and processes 50 – 59 Consistent  Plan and then use different ideas and designs to develop ideas  I can use a variety of approaches and materials to explore and experiment with ideas 60 – 69 Competent  I can try out different ideas and designs with control and planned risk taking  I can effectively communicate ideas in a visual way

6 Purpose:  In your future career when you might need to use these skills?

7 Primary Colour Theory Secondary

8 Primary Harmonising Colours Harmonising colours don’t mix Complementary colours create dramatic effect Opposite Colours

9 The colours in the centre square appear more intense because they are surrounded by their complementary or opposite colour.




13 Underpainting In art, an underpainting is an initial layer of paint applied to a surface, which serves as a base for subsequent layers of paint. Tip - Paint in layers

14 Impasto Impasto is a technique used in painting where paint is laid on an area of the surface (or the entire canvas) very thickly, usually thickly enough that the brush or pallette knife strokes are visible. Paint can also be mixed right on the canvas. When dry, impasto provides texture, the paint coming out of the canvas. Frank Auerbach (born April 29, 1931) is a German-born British painter.

15 Glazing and Scumbling Glazing refers to a layer of paint, thinned with a medium, so as to become slightly transparent. A glaze changes the colour or texture (gloss or matte) of the surface. * Scumbling is scrubbing, straight onto the surface, a dryish layer of thick paint or pigment.


17 Broken Colour Painters often use layers of colour, and break up the upper layers to reveal some of the colours underneath. This is called broken colour. Broken colour is achieved many different ways, but the effect is of a lacey coat of paint with lots of holes in it.

18 Sgraffito/Graffito (Ancient Italian for ‘To Scratch’) This technique involves scratching through a layer of still-wet paint to reveal what’s underneath, whether this is a dried layer of paint or the white canvas/paper.

19 Don’t limit yourself to scratching a thin line with the wrong end of your paintbrush; broad sgraffito with, for example the edge of a credit card, can also be very effective. Look at some other examples:

20 Wet into Wet Wet into wet is the application of a fresh colour or tone into an already wet area of paint.

21 Play and experiment…  Block colour  Blending  Wash  Stippling  Dabbing (paper / sponge)  Wet on wet  Dry brushing  Sgraffito  Stamping What happens if…

22 Continue painting… Продолжить живопись Pokračovat v malování  Experiment with colours and techniques alongside final Photoshop image in your books  Test colours first  Mix colours  Use correct size brush  Paint in layers

23 ‘How am I going to make my painting more personal?’

24 Commend: I notice you have done … really well because… Recommend: In order to improve your work I notice you could …


26 What are you really proud of achieving today or What are you going to target for next lesson

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