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Rules for Expanded Column Addition A few tips to help you out!

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1 Rules for Expanded Column Addition A few tips to help you out!

2 Write your numbers in the right place!! Put your numbers underneath each other. HTU 135 + 42 Remember your 100s, 10s and units!!

3 Always start with the units! Start with the smallest numbers. (UNITS) 135 + 42 7 (5 + 2) Work from right to left.

4 Next go on to add the tens! Put the tens underneath the units. 135 + 42 7 (5 +2) 70 (30 + 40) DON’T FORGET THAT YOU ARE ADDING 10S NOT UNITS!

5 Finally add your 100s and total it all up!! 135 + 42 7 (5 + 2) 70 ( 30 + 40) 100 ( 100 + 0) 177

6 So, stick with these and you’ll be fine!! Put the numbers in the right place. Always start with the units. Next go on to add the 10s. Don’t forget that you’re adding 10s now! Then add the 100s and total it all up!

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