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Getting The Best Out Of D3D12 Evan Hart, Principal Engineer, NVIDIA Dave Oldcorn, D3D12 Technical Lead, AMD.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting The Best Out Of D3D12 Evan Hart, Principal Engineer, NVIDIA Dave Oldcorn, D3D12 Technical Lead, AMD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting The Best Out Of D3D12 Evan Hart, Principal Engineer, NVIDIA Dave Oldcorn, D3D12 Technical Lead, AMD

2 Prerequisites An interest in D3D12 Experienced Graphics Programmer
Ideally, already looked at D3D12 Experienced Graphics Programmer Console programming experience Beneficial, not required

3 Brief D3D12 Overview

4 The ‘What’ of D3D12 Broad rethinking of the API
Much closer to HW realities Model is more explicit Less driver magic

5 “With great power comes great responsibility.”
D3D12 answers many developer requests Be ready to use it wisely and it can reward you [D3D11 is C#; D3D12 is C++]

6 Console Vs PC D3D12 offers a great porting story
More of the explicit control console devs crave Much less driver interference Still a heterogeneous environment Need to test carefully Heed API and tool warnings (exposed corners) Game will run on HW you never tested [It works on card XXX does not mean you can expect it to work elsewhere, need to heed the spec to ensure compatibility in the heterogeneous environment]

7 Central Objects to D3D12 Command Lists Bundles Pipeline State Objects
Root Signature and Descriptor Tables Resource Heaps

8 Using Bundles And Lists
Dispatch Draw Bundle Command List Frame Bundles and Lists provide the work submission and reuse capability to the API All work in a frame is provided via command lists Command lists consist of bundles, draws, and dispatches Bundles package draws and dispatches Grouping work together in reasonable chunks is key to efficiency Same general principal of triangles per draw call applies to bundles command lists and frames

9 Command Lists & Bundles
Small object recording a few commands Great for reuse, but a subset of commands Like drawing 3 meshes in an object Command List Useful for recording/submitting commands Used to execute bundles and other commands

10 Pipeline State Object Collates most render state
Shaders, raster, blend All packaged and swapped together

11 Pipeline State Object Pipeline State Pixel Shader Rasterizer State
Vertex Shader Blend State Geometry Shader Depth State Hull Shader Topology Domain Shader RT Format Compute Shader Input Layout

12 Root Signature & Descriptor Tables
New method for resource setting Flexible interface Methods for changing large blocks Methods for small bits quickly Indexing and open-ended tables enable “bindless”-like behaviour

13 Resource Heaps New memory management primitive
Tie multiple related resources into one heap App controls residency on the heap Somewhat coarse Enables console-like memory aliasing

14 New HW Features Conservative Rasterization Raster Ordered Views
Typed UAV PS write of stencil reference Volume tiled resources Not a lot of these as primarily D3D12 is a software update

15 Advice for the D3D12 Dev

16 Practical Developer Advice
Small nuggets on key issues Advice is from experience Multiple engines have done trial ports Many months of experimentation Driver, API, and app level

17 Efficient Submission Record commands in parallel
Reuse fragments via bundles Taking over some driver/runtime work Make sure your code is efficient (and parallel) Submit in batches with ExecuteCmdLists Submit throughout the frame [Cost of N lists per submit ~= cost of 1] [Don’t build everything, then submit everything] [Submit is thread-safe]

18 Engine organisation Consider task oriented engines
Divide rendering into tasks Run CPU tasks to build command lists Use dependencies to order GPU submission Also helps with resource barriers

19 Threading: Done Badly Aux Thread Aux Thread Aux Thread Game Thread
Command List 0 Submit Create Resource Command List 1 Submit Present Render Thread App render code, runtime, driver all on one! Amdahl’s Law!

20 Threading: Done Well Game Thread Async Thread Worker Thread
Create Resource Create Resource Compile PSO Async Thread Command List 1 Command List 2 Worker Thread Command List 0 Submit CL0 Submit CL1 Command List 3 Submit CL2 Submit CL3 Present Master Render Thread Many solutions, key is parallelism!

21 PSO Practicalities Merged state removes driver validation costs
Don’t needlessly thrash state Just because it is a PSO, doesn’t mean every state needs to flip in HW Avoid toggling compute/graphics Avoid toggling tessellation Use sensible defaults for don’t care fields

22 Creating PSOs PSO creation can be costly
Probably means a compile Streaming threads should handle PSO Gather state and create on async threads Prevents stalls Can handle specializations too [No driver threads in D3D12!]

23 Deferred PSO Update “Quick first compile; better answer later”
Simple / generic / free initial shader Start the compile of the better result Substitute PSO when it’s ready Generic / specialized especially useful Precompile the generic case More optimal path for special cases, compiled on low priority thread This is for when you’re about to display an object and don’t have the time to wait 100ms for a compile result.

24 Using Bundles And Lists
Dispatch Draw Bundle Command List Frame Bundles and Lists provide the work submission and reuse capability to the API All work in a frame is provided via command lists Command lists consist of bundles, draws, and dispatches Bundles package draws and dispatches Grouping work together in reasonable chunks is key to efficiency Same general principal of triangles per draw call applies to bundles command lists and frames

25 Bundle Advice Aim for a moderate size (~12 draws)
Some potential overhead with setup Limit resource binding inheritance when possible Enables more complete cooking of bundle

26 Lists Advice Aim for a decent size Submit together when feasible
Typically hundreds of draw calls Submit together when feasible Don’t expect lots of list reuse Per-frame changes + overlap limitation Post-processing might be an exception Still need 2-3 copies of that list

27 Using Command Allocators

28 List / Allocator memory usage
Allocators and Lists List / Allocator memory usage Invisible consumers of GPU memory Hold on to memory until Destroy Reuse on similar data Warm list == no allocation during list creation Destroy on different data Reuse on disparate cases grows all lists to size of worst case over time Initial 100 draws Reset Same 100 draws (Guaranteed no new allocations) 5 draws Different 100 draws 200 draws

29 Allocator Advice Allocators are fastest when warm
Keep reusing allocator with lists of equal size Need 2T + N allocators minimum T -> threads creating command lists N -> extra pool for bundles All lists/bundles on an allocator freed together Need to double/triple buffer for reusing the allocators

30 (Modelview matrix, skinning)
Root Signature Per-Draw Table Pointer Tex Tex Carefully layout root signature Group tables by frequency of change Most frequent changes early in signature Standardize slots Signature change costs Constant Buffer pointer (Modelview matrix, skinning) Per-draw constants Per-Material Table Pointer Const Buf (shader params) Const Buf (shader params) Tex Tex Per-Frame Table Pointer Const Buf (camera, eye...) Tex

31 Root Signature Cnt’d Place single items which change per-draw in the root arguments Costs of setting new table vary across HW Cost varies from nearly 0 to O(N) work where N is items in table Avoid changes to individual items in tables Requires app to instance table if in flight Try to update whole table atomically

32 Managing Resources with Heaps
Committed Monolithic, D3D11-style Placed Offset in existing heap Reserved Mapped to heaps like tiled resources Resource [VA] Heap G-buffer Postprocess buffer Heap Heap

33 Choosing a resource type:
Committed Need per-resource residency Don’t need aliasing Placed Cheaper create / destroy Can group in heaps of similar residency Want to alias over others Small resources Tiled / Reserved Need flexibility of memory management Can tolerate CPU and GPU overheads of ResourceMap

34 Resource tips Committed gives driver more knowledge
Tiled resources have separate caps Need to prepare for HW without it Memory might be segmented Cannot allocate entire space in a single heap

35 Residency tips MakeResident: MakeUnresident Batch these up
Expect CPU and GPU cost for page table updates MakeUnresident Cost of move may be deferred; may be seen on future MakeResident

36 Working Set Management
Application has much more control in D3D12 Directly tells the video memory manager which resources are required App can be sharper on memory than before On D3D11, working set per frame typically much smaller than registered resource Less likely to end up with object in slow memory

37 Working to a budget “Budget” is the memory you can use
Get under the budget using residency MakeUnresident makes object candidate to swap to system memory It is much cheaper to unresident, then later resident again, than to destroy and create Tiled resources can drop mip levels dynamically

38 Barriers & Hazards Most objects stay in one state from creation
Don’t insert redundant barriers Always specify the right set of target units Allows for minimal barrier Group barriers into same Barrier call Will take the worst case of all, rather than potentially incurring multiple sequential barriers

39 Barriers enhance concurrency
Resources both read and written in a given draw created dependency between draws Most common case was UAV used in adjacent dispatches Logical view of draws Draw 0 Draw 1 Draw 2 Draw 3 Barrier Draw 0 GPU timeline of draws Draw 1 Draw 2 Draw 3 Dispatches (D3D11) UAVs are as stated unordered, but API enforced draw/dispatch ordering. Dispatch 0 Dispatch 1 Dispatch 2

40 Barrier enables overlap
Explicit barrier eliminates issue App tells API when a true dependency exists, rather than it being assumed Logical view of dispatches Dispatch 0 Dispatch 1 Dispatch 2 Dispatch 0 Dispatches with explicit barrier control Dispatch 1 Dispatch 2 Now, explicit usage barriers allows overlap of calls referencing UAVs. If back to back dispatches don’t have a dependency, the kernels can run in parallel. This resolves some of the largest inefficiencies seen in compute work loads today.

41 CPU side D3D12 simplifies picture Be aware of your system buses
Easier to associate driver effort with application actions Less likely that driver itself is the bottleneck Be aware of your system buses

42 GPU side Environment is new Use the tools
Less familiar without console experience Interesting new hardware limits are now accessible Use the tools API still has timestamps Fully featured tooling will come and soon

43 Wrap up

44 Get Ready D3D12 done right isn’t just an API port
More so when referring to consoles Good engine design offers a lot of opportunity The power you’ve been asking for is here

45 Questions

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