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報告者:許之馨 授課老師:任維廉 教授.  Introduction  Decision-tree model  Decision-tree flowcharts  Major characteristics of the study  Selecting appropriate descriptive.

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Presentation on theme: "報告者:許之馨 授課老師:任維廉 教授.  Introduction  Decision-tree model  Decision-tree flowcharts  Major characteristics of the study  Selecting appropriate descriptive."— Presentation transcript:

1 報告者:許之馨 授課老師:任維廉 教授

2  Introduction  Decision-tree model  Decision-tree flowcharts  Major characteristics of the study  Selecting appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics  Secondary analyses  Caveats and disclaimers  Summary 2

3  Research is a systematic process of inquiry.  Determine exactly what statistical procedures to use in analyzing the results in design phase.  Characteristics of the research determine what statistical procedures to use. 3

4  Organize the process of systematically determining appropriate statistical procedures.  Decision-tree model is organized in five decision-tree flowcharts. 4

5  The procedures for determining an appropriate statistical analysis 1. Describe the study. 2. Identify the study’s major characteristics. 3. Make systematic decisions, but now using the flowcharts. 5

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11 1. Level of constraint? 2. Independent variables? 3. Levels of the independent variables? 4. Type of design? 5. Dependent variables  what they are  how they are measured  levels of measurement  type of data for each 8. 11

12 9. Research hypotheses? 10. What kind of test is needed? Dependent measureLevels of measurementType of data Score on the social-skills multiple-choice test RatioScore Ranking of subjects on social competence OrdinalOrdered Independent classification of social competence Nominal 12

13  Descriptive Statistics using statistic to describe the characteristics of the data  Inferential Statistics according to sample infer the characteristics of the population 13

14  Different type of data use different flowchart.  If study has more than one research hypotheses, we would find the correct descriptive and inferential statistics for all dependent measures. 14

15  After completing descriptive and inferential analyses.  Categories  Post hoc analyses  Secondary analyses to help explain results  Data snooping 15

16  Inferential statistics portion there are other kinds of questions not covered by the set of flowchart.  The statistical procedures suggested by the flowcharts are not only appropriate procedures for answering a specific question. 16

17  Selecting an appropriate statistical procedure is often one of the most confusing steps in the research process for beginning students.  A flowchart system is presented that organizes for students a process of selecting an appropriate statistical procedures. 17

18 Thanks for your attention Q&A 18

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