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2015 NCHSE 25 th ANNUAL BOARD MEETING Cindy Le Coq, NCHSE Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 NCHSE 25 th ANNUAL BOARD MEETING Cindy Le Coq, NCHSE Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 NCHSE 25 th ANNUAL BOARD MEETING Cindy Le Coq, NCHSE Chair


3 NCHSE Year in Review! So much to do, so little time!

4 Management Firm

5 August Planning Meeting SWOT Exercise

6 STRENGTHS What does NCHSE do well? What unique resources can you draw on? What do others see as your strengths? (Please prioritize in importance beginning with the most important) Resources: Standards, Assessment, Curriculum Conf. Passionate Executive Committee Publishers Coalition

7 WEAKNESSES What could the consortium improve? Where do you have fewer resources than others? What are others likely to see as weaknesses? (Please prioritize in importance beginning with the most important) 4) Workload on Executive Committee Develop committee co chair leads. Conference Calls overwhelming… Determine what workload is - Chairs identify description of what chair does for the committee. Enhance the committees by separation of paid special project (i.e. assessment, communication committee) assignments. New – mentoring 1) Leadership building Evaluate board member needs/interest at January meeting 2) Lack of visibility Feature NCHSE website and resources at the National Curriculum Conference 3) Communication Need to copy Ex. Committee on emails (determine next steps later), NCHSE on every email signature. Enhance communication technology – go to meeting, webinars. Partnership with B&I

8 OPPORTUNITIES What opportunities are open to NCHSE? What trends could NCHSE take advantage of? How can you turn consortium strengths into opportunities? Good time to reinvent with new HC trends Great opportunity to develop new partnerships H2P, HPN Capitalize on increasing visibility while national focus on heath care

9 THREATS What threats could harm NCHSE? What is your competition doing? What threats do your weaknesses expose you to? (Please prioritize in importance beginning with the most important) Ex. Committee overworked Fiscal sustainability Absence of a formal plan of work/strategic succession plan for Ex. Director and Ex. Committee

10 Strategic Initiatives

11 Communication

12 Partnerships

13 Executive Committee


15 Communications




19 Best Kept Secret!


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