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Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words and Vocabulary Second Grade Reading.

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2 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words and Vocabulary Second Grade Reading

3 Vocabulary challenged lodge dam buried embarrassed halfway

4 challenged (challenge) To call or invite someone to a game or contest.

5 lodge A den of an animal.

6 dam A wall built to hold back the water of a creek, lake, or river.

7 buried (bury) To hide or cover something.

8 embarrassed (embarrass) To feel that people are thinking of you badly because of something you said or did.

9 halfway To be in the middle.

10 Amazing Words conflict inhabit resolve coax ramp startle serape vacation

11 conflict a struggle or fight, especially one that goes on for a long time.

12 inhabit to live in a place.

13 resolve to make a decision ; to solve or fix a problem.

14 coax to gently talk someone into doing something.

15 ramp a slope or slant that connects two different levels.

16 startle to surprise and shock very suddenly.

17 serape a shawl or blanket that people can wear over their shirts; worn in Latin America with bright colors and stripes.

18 vacation a time away from school or your usual duties.

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