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Biometrics Overview. Biometrics Identification or verification of an individual based on a physical characteristic or trait.

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Presentation on theme: "Biometrics Overview. Biometrics Identification or verification of an individual based on a physical characteristic or trait."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biometrics Overview

2 Biometrics Identification or verification of an individual based on a physical characteristic or trait.

3 Biometric Modes Biological Characteristics  Fingerprint  Facial Recognition  Hand Geometry  Eye (Iris & Retina)  Vein Pattern Behavioral Traits  Signature  Voice  Keystroke Dynamics

4 Why use Biometrics? Biometrics has No Risk of:  Forgetting it  Losing it  Getting it stolen  Getting it copied  Loaning it out  Being used by anyone else

5 Biometric Uses  Financial Institutes ATM, Validation of credit and debit cards  Law Enforcement Automated Fingerprint Identification System Surveillance  Physical Access Control Buildings, Airports, Hospitals, Schools  IT Security Network-systems of organizations – Internet/Intranet  E-Commerce market : User Authentication  Consumer Market PC Applications(Mouse, Keyboard, Laptop, etc.) Time and Attendance Monitoring Home Appliances (Door locks, Safes, etc.)

6 Biometric Marketplace (Per International Biometric Group’s Biometric Market Report 2000-2005)

7 Market Drivers  Real need for increased security  Traditional methods obsolete  Increased identity theft and fraud  Advances in biometric technology  Reliability and functionality  Price factors  Weak capital markets  Competitive environment  Consolidation  Industry standardization  Current Events/Emotion

8 Fingerprint  Measures ridges and minutiae (end, fusion, bifurcation of fingerprint data)  Used for over 100 years  Highly accurate  Small devices  Latent prints  Environmental conditions

9 Facial Recognition  Measures the contours and distances of the Eyes, Nose and Chin.  May also use Thermograph matching  Easy to use/Non-cooperative  Influenced by lighting and facial angles  Susceptible to spoofing with glasses, wigs, beards

10 Hand Geometry  Measures finger length and knuckle thickness  Intuitive Operation  Uses few minutiae points  Large Devices limit the installation possibilities.

11 Eye Recognition  Iris:  Measures the shape & color of the Iris  Minutiae rich  Inconvenient  Expensive  Retina:  Blood Vessel Pattern  Highly Accurate  Low public acceptance (Intrusive)

12 Vein Recognition  Uses an infrared camera to measure the veins on the wrist and back of the hand.  Currently impossible to copy  Large Equipment  Expensive  Uses few minutiae points

13 Signature Recognition  Measures the pressure and speed of stroke dynamics  Inexpensive  Intuitive Operation  Signatures may change over time  Participation must be voluntary  Low Accuracy

14 Voice Recognition  Measures the vibration of phoneme, syllable, words  Easy to use  Remote applications  Easy to impersonate  Influenced by health conditions  Sensitive to noise

15 Mode Comparison

16 (Does Not Include AFIS Revenues) (Per International Biometric Group’s Biometric Market Report 2000-2005) 2001 Market Shares

17 Biometric System  Enrollment  Identity Verification  Template Management  Distributed  Centralized  Live Scan Processing  Identity Authentication  Transaction Processing  Apply Policy

18 Biometric Verification Identity Claim Biometric Capture Feature Extraction 1-to-1 Comparison

19 Biometric Identification Biometric Capture Feature Extraction 1-to-n Comparison

20 Matching  Evaluation  Reject / Accept Threshold  Error Ratio  FRR (False Rejection Ratio)  FAR (False Acceptance Ratio)  ERR (Equal Error Ratio)

21 Implementation  Interoperability  BioAPI  ANSI Fast track  CBEFF  Common Biometric Exchange File Format  Used in BioAPI  Multimode integration

22 Template Management  Centralized  Template security  Administration  Communications Infrastructure  Distributed  Smartcards  2-D Barcodes  Memory buttons  Counterfeiting

23 Enterprise Management CBEFF DB Trusted Applications Authentication Servers Distributed

24 Modular Applications INTERNETINTRANETBizAppsOthers WBE Component Biometric API FPBSPFacialBSPIrisBSPVoiceBSPHandBSPOtherBSP AUTHServerOTTServerDBServerFPMatchingFacialMatchingIrisMatching VoiceMatchingHandMatchingLicenseServerTemplateMgmtPWDMatchingOthers BiometricMatchingServersBiometricMatchingServers Configuration Management ClientSide ServerSide

25 Fingerprint in Access Control  Lowest implementation cost  Widest availability  Matching technology  Correlation  Minutiae matching  Scanner technology  Optical  Solid-state/Capacitive  Ultrasonic

26 Access Control Applications System Controller DIU LSU Template Database

27 Integration Interfaces  Legacy Systems  Weigand  Only “industry standard”  Clock and Data  Proprietary  Vendor products  RS485  TCP/IP

28 Hydra Implementation

29 Graterford Prison  Barcode badge provides Guard PIN.  Hydra performs fingerprint verification.  Photo of verified guard displayed on touchscreen.  Operator must visually confirm by touching photo on screen.

30 BioACE Architecture Athena NCU WAN NCU Modems MicroNCU POT S ARGO IBASDesktop


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