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Player’s Name:_________________________________________ Male / Female Player’s Address:_____________________________________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Player’s Name:_________________________________________ Male / Female Player’s Address:_____________________________________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Player’s Name:_________________________________________ Male / Female Player’s Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________________ What is your level of experience playing on a team? Beginner Average Expert Allergies / Medical Problems:__________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size Circle the Correct Size for Shirt. True Size Samples will be available at Registration. North Plainfield Recreation Catch the Fun! Amount Paid Check: _________ Cash: _________ North Plainfield Parks & Recreation 263 Somerset St. North Plainfield, NJ 07060 Contact: Chris Tarver 908 756-0247 prompt 2 for Hotline Signature:___________________________________________________ Adult Sm Med Lg XL XXL XXXL Rev. 2 Last Updated 1/30/2012 Registration All registrations take place during Youth Registration at Vermeule Community Center on Clinton Ave. Make checks payable to: Boro of N. Plainfield Recreation 2013 ADULT SPORTS REGISTRATION Participants Must Be 18 Years or Older YES, I will Coach Picture/Video Release: I agree that by letting my child(ren) participate in a Borough of North Plainfield Recreation Department event they may use his/her picture for publication.

2 North Plainfield Recreation Department A copy of Parent, Player & Coach Code of Conduct Agreements can be found on the Recreation website at Player (Adult) Code of Conduct As a player in a Borough-sponsored program, I endorse the belief that Sportsmanship is Foremost in North Plainfield Athletics & Activities. In keeping with the spirit of this belief, I pledge to the best of my ability, to:  Remember first and foremost I am participating in sports to have fun.  Remember that winning doesn’t equate to success in sports.  Remember that disrespectful or inappropriate behavior is not acceptable during any and all team functions.  Treat all practice and game facilities, and property in those facilities, with the same respect that I would show to the belongings in my own home.  Abide by the rules of the game, fair play, listen to my coaches and accept the rulings of the games officials without complaint.  Be a good teammate, by avoiding arguments and offering encouragement to my teammates when they make mistakes.  Learn from any mistakes I might make during a practice or game  Conduct myself in a manner and meaning of “Good Sportsmanship”. By winning without gloating and losing without complaining and by treating teammates opponents, coaches, game officials, my parents or guardians and the game with respect. I have discussed the Code of Conduct with a Parent or Guardian and I understand its meaning and what is expected of me as a participant in a Borough of North Plainfield-sponsored athletic programs & activities. I also understand that any violation of the Code of Conduct is subject to review by the North Plainfield Recreation Commission and may result in the loss of my privilege to further participate in this or any other program. Player Name: ______________________________ Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________________

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