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Parshat Vayetze: Yaakov’s Dream/ Am Yisrael’s Future A PowerPoint Review, to be viewed with the corresponding shiur. Shiur by Menachem Leibtag Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Parshat Vayetze: Yaakov’s Dream/ Am Yisrael’s Future A PowerPoint Review, to be viewed with the corresponding shiur. Shiur by Menachem Leibtag Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parshat Vayetze: Yaakov’s Dream/ Am Yisrael’s Future A PowerPoint Review, to be viewed with the corresponding shiur. Shiur by Menachem Leibtag Presentation by Ronni Libson & Tammy Weisz

2 Bechira Process: When will it end? The bechira goes to one of Yitzchak's children - but which one?

3 Divine Reassurance Yaakov may doubt that he is chosen:  Yitzchak planned to give the primary bracha to Esav  His parents sent him away from Eretz Canaan  When Yitzchak’s brothers were rejected, they were sent to the east: Now Yaakov himself is being sent to the east:  Bechira must come from God, not father Bechira Process: When will it end?

4 The bechira goes to Yaakov

5 Confirmation of Bechira Extra Promise to Yaakov: Relates to Yaakov’s situation - even though he must now leave Eretz Canaan, Hashem will remain with him, take care of him, and ultimately bring him back Immediate Reaction:

6 Yaakov makes a Neder "And Yaakov then made a vow saying:  If God will be with me,  And He protects me on this journey on which I embark,  And gives me bread to eat and clothes to wear.  And I return safely to my father's house,  And Hashem will be my God.  And this stone, which I have set up as a monument will be a Bet Elokim  And from all that You give me I will set aside one- tenth." Condition Promise Conditional promise: If [condition] then [promise] Condition or Promise?

7 Condition or Promise “And Hashem will be my God.” – Condition or Promise? Not a condition:  Conditions reflect Hashem’s earlier promise: Condition (28:20-21)Hashem’s promise (28:15)  Does not add anything more than the first condition, “If God will be with me” Not a promise:  How could Yaakov possibly accept Hashem as his God only if God fulfills His promises?! This statement is not found in Hashem’s earlier promise Rashi

8 Condition or Promise Refers to Hashem’s earlier promise to Avraham at Brit Milah "l'hiyot l'cha l'Elokim" (17:7-8) Rashi: This clause is a summary of previous clausesRashbam: Ramban: Radak: Seforno: Yaakov vows to intensify his relationship with God should (or actually when) God fulfills His promise. Classical Commentators: Promise Condition “Neder” reflects readiness to fulfill the divine purpose of “bechira”. Yaakov initiates a reciprocal relationship with God.

9 Hitgalut Emphasizes Yaakov’s mission and purpose of bechira Similar to hitgalut to Avraham: Both took place in Bet-El Hitgalut to Yaakov: Yaakov realizes that he currently stands on the same site where Avraham Avinu built a mizbayach and 'called out in God's Name.' Bet Elokim

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