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Unselfish, selfless altruistic. hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent.

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Presentation on theme: "Unselfish, selfless altruistic. hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent."— Presentation transcript:

1 unselfish, selfless altruistic

2 hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent

3 agree, concur, accede assent

4 sincere, genuine, heartfelt unfeigned

5 one who does good benefactor

6 belligerent, aggressive, harsh truculent

7 courteous and courageous chivalrous

8 boldness, audacity temerity

9 leniency, mercy clemency

10 rest, sleep repose

11 insufficiency, scarcity, paucity dearth

12 calmness, tranquility repose

13 neglectful negligence, remiss

14 shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn diffident

15 stinging, biting, caustic, sharp pungent

16 inconsistency, disagreement discrepancy

17 trudge, to walk heavily plod

18 begin, launch embark

19 free from error, perfect infallible

20 easily done or attained facile

21 unconquerable, invincible indomitable

22 unselfish, selfless altruistic

23 hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent

24 sincere, genuine, heartfelt unfeigned

25 one who does good benefactor

26 courteous and courageous chivalrous

27 belligerent, aggressive, harsh truculent

28 insufficiency, scarcity, paucity dearth

29 rest, sleep repose

30 superficial, not sincerely felt facile

31 boldness, audacity temerity

32 leniency, mercy clemency

33 shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn diffident

34 neglectful negligence, remiss

35 superficial, not sincerely felt facile

36 agree, concur, accede assent

37 stinging, biting, caustic, sharp pungent

38 begin, launch embark

39 inconsistency, disagreement discrepancy

40 trudge, to walk heavily plod

41 calmness, tranquility repose

42 free from error, perfect infallible

43 easily done or attained facile

44 unconquerable, invincible indomitable

45 unselfish, selfless altruistic

46 hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent

47 agree, concur, accede assent

48 sincere, genuine, heartfelt unfeigned

49 one who does good benefactor

50 belligerent, aggressive, harsh truculent

51 courteous and courageous chivalrous

52 boldness, audacity temerity

53 leniency, mercy clemency

54 rest, sleep repose

55 insufficiency, scarcity, paucity dearth

56 calmness, tranquility repose

57 neglectful negligence, remiss

58 shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn diffident

59 stinging, biting, caustic, sharp pungent

60 inconsistency, disagreement discrepancy

61 trudge, to walk heavily plod

62 begin, launch embark

63 free from error, perfect infallible

64 easily done or attained facile

65 unconquerable, invincible indomitable

66 unselfish, selfless altruistic

67 hateful, spiteful, poisonous virulent

68 sincere, genuine, heartfelt unfeigned

69 one who does good benefactor

70 courteous and courageous chivalrous

71 belligerent, aggressive, harsh truculent

72 insufficiency, scarcity, paucity dearth

73 rest, sleep repose

74 superficial, not sincerely felt facile

75 boldness, audacity temerity

76 leniency, mercy clemency

77 shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn diffident

78 neglectful negligence, remiss

79 superficial, not sincerely felt facile

80 agree, concur, accede assent

81 stinging, biting, caustic, sharp pungent

82 begin, launch embark

83 inconsistency, disagreement discrepancy

84 trudge, to walk heavily plod

85 calmness, tranquility repose

86 free from error, perfect infallible

87 easily done or attained facile

88 unconquerable, invincible indomitable

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