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CASE STUDY Author: Lada Leszkowová, GKVR Hlinsko.

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Presentation on theme: "CASE STUDY Author: Lada Leszkowová, GKVR Hlinsko."— Presentation transcript:

1 CASE STUDY Author: Lada Leszkowová, GKVR Hlinsko

2 A case study is a puzzle that has to be solved. You must use the knowledge that you have acquired in life so far. You must use your common sense. Sometimes you are asked not to use any other resources. CASE STUDY

3 HOW TO MAKE HLINSKO MORE ATTRACTIVE TO TOURISTS Work in groups Make a list of tourist attractions in Hlinsko Make a list of ideas and suggestions how to make Hlinsko more attractive Discuss if the attractions should be more cultural, historical or sport ones? Try to think why Hlinsko isnt so attractive What should be done here Is tourism a good thing for Hlinsko? Discuss the following points:

4 HOW TO MAKE HLINSKO MORE ATTRACTIVE TO TOURISTS a. Your heritage site doesn't have many visitors, but many people say they would like to visit if it had services b. There is unemployment in the town c. The town is not big enough to be able to accommodate many more visitors d. The surrounding environment (animals, trees and plants) need to be protected from too many visitors e. The big town is far away, but there are no places to eat or sleep around there f. The government owns the location, but the government does not want to own and operate either a restaurant or a hotel

5 Describe these pictures

6 Describe the picture – how do they relate to the topic

7 Odkazy a reference study/&h=265&w=312&sz=38&tbnid=Lom1w9R_Kd1n6M:&tbnh=110&tbnw=129&zoom=1&usg=__7sLudOIhpG3HsEiuzAqDv2bJlLY=&docid=7ofsDnB7eGoLmM&sa=X&ei=H07_UfypJcT uswa4joC4AQ&ved=0CF0Q9QEwBg&dur=1875 study/&h=265&w=312&sz=38&tbnid=Lom1w9R_Kd1n6M:&tbnh=110&tbnw=129&zoom=1&usg=__7sLudOIhpG3HsEiuzAqDv2bJlLY=&docid=7ofsDnB7eGoLmM&sa=X&ei=H07_UfypJcT uswa4joC4AQ&ved=0CF0Q9QEwBg&dur=1875 My own photos

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