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Personal Safety Unit - Level 8. Today you will be learning about personal safety when online. This unit consists of four mini lessons. The PPT covers.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Safety Unit - Level 8. Today you will be learning about personal safety when online. This unit consists of four mini lessons. The PPT covers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Safety Unit - Level 8

2 Today you will be learning about personal safety when online. This unit consists of four mini lessons. The PPT covers all lessons in the unit, with a spacer slide between the lessons. The Plan Your Online Safety: Understanding the Issues Proactive Protection Online Online Issues: Bullies and Predators Online Personal Safety Review and Action

3 Lesson 1 Safeguarding Your Identity Online: Understanding the Issues

4 Take a Survey You will be provided with a survey to complete. When finished, discuss the results of the survey with your classmates.

5 Survey Results How much time do you spend on the Internet on a weekly basis? –Does the amount of time spent online put one at more risk for online issues/dangers? –For those who spend a lot of time online - have you faced online issues? What were they?

6 Do you visit chat rooms? –What types of things have you seen in chat rooms? –Have you seen bullying? –Have you seen inappropriate comments/come-ons? –Have you been asked for personal information (name, dob, gender, location, phone, etc) Survey Results

7 Have you ever spoken to someone from a chat room that you personally do not know? –In reality, anyone met online is a STRANGER –That means you can not trust them, they could lie, have ulterior motives

8 Survey Results Do you have a profile about yourself online? –What information does a typical profile ask for? –How can profiles be used by bullies and/or predators? –Do you HAVE to fill out profiles? –Why would it be a good idea to leave a profile blank?

9 Have you ever been asked for you’re A/S/L? (Age/Sex/Location) –How did you respond? –Why would anyone online need that information? –How can this information be used for inappropriate purposes? Survey Results

10 When chatting online, do you use IM? (Instant Messaging) –How much time do you spend on IM? –Have you ever been harassed or approached in an inappropriate manner through IM?

11 Survey Results How many people are on your buddy list? –Do you personally KNOW those on your buddy list? –Do you add strangers to your buddy list?

12 Survey Results Where do you keep your computer? –Do you have rules in your household for computer usage? –Do your parents know what you do online? –Would your parents approve of your online activities?

13 Survey Results Do you think it is safe to speak with people you do not know while you are online? –What would you do if you were harassed or solicited online?

14 Survey Results Have you ever given out personal information while chatting online? (Example: name, age, location, school, etc.) –What do you consider personal information? –How can personal information be used inappropriately?

15 True Story Read the true story provided by your teacher. Afterwards discuss it as a class. How and why did this happen? What can we learn from this story about online relationships?

16 The Story What are some safety/security risks Christina was taking when online? –discussed screen name –did not communicate with parent/guardian –did not treat those met online as strangers

17 The Issues There are many issues that can arise from inappropriate and unsafe use of the Internet.

18 Lesson 2 Protecting Personal Information

19 The Internet is not anonymous. When you sign on, others have access to you. Your e-mail address, screen name, and password serve as barriers between you and others. You need to maintain this barrier by not giving out private information. There are many out there who would like to know more for various reasons: They could want to harm you. They could want money They could use information to conduct their own business - either selling your info or using it in an illegal manner.

20 Personal Information This information should not be given out on the Internet to maintain your safety. Name Address SchoolFriends’ names Family namesAge Social Security NumberPhone number

21 User Id/Screen name A User Id is a “nickname” you select to identify you in e-mail, chats, etc. DO NOT USE Personal Information such as: -Your real first name -Your real last name -Your location (i.e. hilliegirl, HaverhillGuy) -Your zip code -A suggestive name or word (i.e. sexyman42, hotbabygirl) -Pornographic or obscene words For added security, always opt NOT to add your name or nickname to any sort of member directory.

22 Indirect Information Solicitation: Sometimes, while online, people want to find out more about you for illegal purposes. However, they go about it in different ways. They may trick you into giving out information. You may not even realize what you have told them. Indirect information about your school, activities, etc, could lead them to knowing where you live. Be aware of what you say at all times.

23 Password A Password is a series of letters, numbers or symbols used to log you into a computer system. Passwords are used to access email, join chatrooms, etc. They are usually between 6 and 8 characters long. Password Security: Don’t tell anyone your password. Don't write your password down anywhere. When you decide on a password, make sure it can't be guessed. If you think there's even a chance someone else might know your password, change it. Make sure no one is standing near you when you enter your password

24 Watch out for… Dangers On the Web Inappropriate sites Inappropriate sites - There are some sites you should not go to. They can be pornographic, hate filled, or upsetting. When you accidentally come across a site you know you shouldn’t be in, close out of it quickly. If you still have trouble, try logging off completely or rebooting.

25 Faulty information sites Faulty information sites - Don’t trust everything you read without checking and double-checking references. Watch out for… Dangers On the Web

26 Make sure you ask your parents before giving anyone private information. Private/personal Information Private/personal Information – Some websites ask you for private information before you can access their stuff.

27 Watch out for… Dangers On the Web Your own website Your own website – Many teens now have their own websites. However, you have to be careful about what information you display.

28 Watch out for… Dangers in E-mail 1.E-mail is an online form of communication, typically between two people. Just like in regular mail, users write letters and send them electronically. 2.Spamming – many companies advertise via e-mail. They try to entice you to purchase items, visit inappropriate sites, etc. Delete these e-mails. 3.Be careful when you reply to an e-mail. You are including your e-mail address and you don’t know where it will go from there.

29 Watch out for… Dangers in Email 4.Inappropriate, offensive, angry e-mail should be reported to your Internet provider. 5.Remember - the sender of an e-mail may not be someone you know – don’t send personal information, photographs, etc.

30 Watch out for… Dangers in Chatting and Socializing Chats and blogs can result in revealing information you wouldn’t normally reveal. This can leave you open to someone who might want to harm you.

31 Here are Some Tips to Remember when Chatting 1.Keep online interaction online. Don’t agree to meet or phone people met online. 2.Don’t give out personal information. Be careful about indirectly saying too much – like school mascot, game times, etc. Eventually you will have said enough. 3.Keep your parents or guardians informed of online interaction. 4.Use Chat rooms that are moderated. 5.Be suspicious of someone who wants to be your friend and turns you against your parents, teachers or friends. 6.Private chats aren’t always private – when you meet offline friends online in a private chat room be careful. Others can often enter and lurk. 7.Try to choose a gender-neutral online screen name

32 Watch out for… Dangers in Newsgroups, Forums, and Social Networking Sites 1.The most important thing to remember is to AVOID including personal information in postings. Don’t reveal anything identifying about yourself. 2.Realize that by posting something, you are making it public. 3.Be careful not to participate in a group, which might be illegal or hateful.

33 Resources for reporting incidents: Here is a general guideline for reporting Internet wrongdoing. 1.Call the local police and ask if they have a dept. affiliated with "Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC). If they do, go through that dept. 2. Simultaneously, file a report with the Cybertips hotline: 1-800-843-5678. Reports can be made directly online by clicking on the Cybertipline at

34 The following are guidelines on proactive things you can do when you are bothered, harassed, or annoyed while online. Use these tips to make your online experience one that is more fun and safe too!

35 Junk E-mail/Spam Delete without opening. Report to your Internet provider. Do not click unsubscribe as this identifies you as a real person.

36 Cyber Stalking Tell someone you trust – who can help you report this to the local police department and to your local provider, who can help you change your online IDs to protect yourself.

37 Child Luring: If you feel you are in danger or someone you know is in danger of becoming a victim of a predator, notify a trusted adult immediately. Have them help you call your local police department.

38 Discussion oWho are most likely to be the most expert users of Cyberspace, children or adults? oWho are most vulnerable? (Peers, younger kids, siblings, parents?) oWho are the most qualified to get the message of personal safety out to others?

39 Activity To get started on your presentation, divide into groups as directed by your teacher. You can complete this activity with computers or without! This is called a jigsaw activity. Each group will contribute to the end product: a final presentation.

40 Here are the directions to get started Becoming Experts Each group will have a specific topic: Group 1 - User IDs/Passwords Group 2 - Private Information Group 3 - Online Interaction Group 4 - Consequences – possibilities for danger Group 5 - Resources Each group reads over the worksheet, discusses the issue with their group, creates corresponding slides or materials, and develops a script for the section. Later you will meet back as a class and put the final presentation together.

41 Presentations and Discussions The Groups should present their information to the class. If using PowerPoint slides, create one large class presentation. You can also do the same with any other props you created.

42 Lesson 3 Online Strangers, Predators, and the Grooming Process

43 Let’s Get Started Your teacher will read an article called Brittany’s Story to you.

44 Discuss the Story Why do students feel safe on the Internet? What are some dangers on the Internet? What are some good things on the Internet?

45 Strangers What is your definition of a stranger? What are common rules/advice for dealing with strangers in the physical world?

46 Strangers Online Those rules also apply to communication online! People met online are STRANGERS!

47 Online Predators Some people lie about who they are and what they want on the Internet for various reasons. Sometimes it is to steal an identity or to bully. Other times it is to meet children and teens to form an inappropriate relationship. These people are known as online predators.

48 Key Point A predator is one who stalks or uses lies, secrecy, or stealth, to get close enough to another person in order to easily hurt or harm them.

49 Key Point One who is a victim or one who is vulnerable to victimization by a predator is prey, no matter what their age is.

50 Online Predators and Prey How do these terms apply to the online environment?

51 Minimize Dangers Choose screen name carefully Don’t reveal information online Choose people to communicate with online carefully No matter what – Tell an adult if you are made to feel uncomfortable online or are approached by someone who discusses inappropriate things or wants to meet you offline.

52 Grooming Flyer You should receive a flyer on the grooming process now from your teacher. As a class review and discuss the steps in the grooming process. Make sure you take your flyer home and share with your parents. Discuss what you’ve learned today!

53 Article 2 Your teacher will now read a second article to you.

54 Think About It How was the girl in the story a “willing participant” in events? (click for possible answers) –She knew she was meeting someone older (she thought in his 20’s). –She knew her parents would not approve. –She agreed to meet him. –She had dinner/drank wine, etc.

55 Think About It How did the girl NOT follow safety and security rules/principles concerning the Internet? Can others make similar mistakes when online? How can these mistakes be prevented?

56 Scenario Activity Your teacher will now divide you into groups. Each group will receive the scenario cause/effect sheet. Each group should answer the questions and discuss the scenarios in their groups. Regroup as a class and discuss the answers to scenarios.

57 Let’s Review Anyone met online is a stranger. What are the steps a predator uses to groom a potential victim? Remember: It is important to avoid revealing personal information online and have safe screen names so that you are not targeted by strangers online. Remember: It is important to report stranger behavior online that makes you uncomfortable, asks for personal information, or requests a face to face meeting.

58 Lesson 4 Online Personal Safety Review and Action

59 Share what you know about.. Screen names Passwords Online personal information Review

60 What would you do…. If a website you want to enter requests personal information? If you are presented with a profile for IM or chat that requests personal information? If you are talking to someone online who requests personal information?

61 Remember: Never reveal information online without a parent’s knowledge or permission.

62 What About Others If you could make mistakes online, do you think others do also? Who else could benefit from learning this information? Friends? Parents? Teachers? What are some good ways to relay this information to others?

63 Empowerment Use what you’ve learned to educate others. IDEA: Arrange to do the survey activity with a lower grade, such as Grade 6. Use the existing survey from this lesson or create your own. Make copies of the survey. Arrange a time to do the activity with the teacher of the target class. Decide how you will carry out the activity and what, if any, other materials you will need. For instance, do you want to show slides from your presentation to the other class. Complete the activity Let i-SAFE know about your success. Email Extension – write up the results from the survey in an article for your school newspaper, and promote safe Internet use.

64 It doesn’t have to end here! Find out about DRiVE!

65 Take Action Take Action It’s Easy with the i-Mentor Training Network! The i-Mentor Training Network has short informative videos that will take you step by step through the process of accomplishing any of the i- SAFE Outreach activities you can do in your school and community. To watch the videos go to the i-Mentor Network located in the X-BLOCK – Visit the X-BLOCK - to learn about the i-Mentor Training Network. It’s all online!

66 Enroll online at by clicking on Create an Go to the X-BLOCK and submit the Online Mentor Menu. Download your own Student Toolkit and materials to get started. Get the recognition you deserve as an i-SAFE Mentor Take Action

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