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HOLIDAY SAFETY Naval Safety Center.

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Presentation on theme: "HOLIDAY SAFETY Naval Safety Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOLIDAY SAFETY Naval Safety Center

2 Mishap Prevention National Safety Council estimates for Thanksgiving weekend: 418 traffic deaths 44,700 non-fatal injuries that require medical attention Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

3 2013 Holiday Season Fatalities
Thanksgiving (27 Nov – 1 Dec) Christmas (24 – 25 Dec) New Year (31 Dec – 1 Jan) PMV Navy 1 Marines RECREATION/ OFF DUTY 2 Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center Naval Safety Center data as of 11/24/2014 Fatalities are from a year ago.

4 Mishap Contributing Factors
Excessive speed Distractions Alcohol Poor decisions/judgment Inability to assess and minimize hazard Overconfidence Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

5 Speeding Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

6 Speeding Act of exceeding posted speed limit or driving too fast for conditions. Why? How much additional time will an accident or ticket cost? Is it worth it? Speeding mishaps occur: not on interstates on local roads; speed > 55mph areas of impaired vision – curves, intersections, steep grades Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

7 Driving Distractions Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

8 Driving Distractions Distraction: Anything taking eyes or mind off task of driving. Visual Mechanical Cognitive “80% of all crashes and 65% of all near crashes involved driver inattention within three seconds of the crash” – Virginia Tech Transportation Institute Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center “Drive now! Talk, eat and groom later.”

9 Seatbelts “Single most effective means of protection in crash”
Prevents ejection Spreads impact 40% decrease in fatal injury potential It’s the law Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

10 Fatigue Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

11 17 straight hours awake = BAC .05
Fatigue Physiological state associated with reduced alertness, performance and output. SIGNS HOW TO AVOID FATIGUE Burning Eyes Get Regular Sleep Heavy Eyelids Recognize Signs Inability to Focus Get Off Road Yawning 12 am – 6 am Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center 17 straight hours awake = BAC .05

12 Alcohol Legal substance (those of age) Thanksgiving mishaps – 40%
Mixes with H2O, Coke, 7Up Does not mix with driving, firearms, snow skiing and other winter sports Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center Drink in moderation. Designate a driver.

13 Firearms Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center Rule #1 Always treat guns as if they were loaded. Rule #2 Always keep guns pointed in a safe direction. Rule #3 Always keep weapons on safe and finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Rule #4 Always keep guns unloaded until ready to use.

14 Food Preparation and Handling
Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

15 Food Preparation and Handling
Proper handling is key. Bacteria will spoil holiday meals. Follow these simple preparation tips: Thaw turkey in refrigerator by weight. Use separate cutting boards and utensils; if using one cutting board, wash often in hot soapy water. Cook turkey and stuffing separately; 165 degrees F indicates doneness. Store leftovers quickly and properly. Ensure chilled foods are properly stored and handled. Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

16 Home Injuries Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

17 Home Injuries Home Safety Council’s Top 5 Non-Fatal Injuries:
Falls (account for 41% of all home non-fatal injuries) Struck by/against objects Cuts/piercings Overexertion Poisoning Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

18 Operational Risk Management
Manage your holiday plans and activities by applying the principles of ORM and the A-B-C-D process of time-critical risk management. Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center ORM online:

19 Operational Risk Management
Gauge your risk and use resources to avoid potential for error. Use the ABCD Model before, during and after your holiday trip. Green = Good situational awareness. You can catch errors before they occur. Yellow = Higher chance of errors. Tools and resources not in place to catch errors. Red = Very high chance of serious error. Stress may be high, tunnel vision may occur. Customize resource blocks with holiday-related activities, e.g., pre-trip checklist, road trip rules for kids, GPS and maps. Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center ORM online:

20 Travel Risk Planning System
On-line, survey-style, risk-assessment tool Mitigates risk associated with driving long distances Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center Image:

21 Summary Plan ahead. Stay aware. Keep risk to a minimum.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season! Holiday Safety - Naval Safety Center

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