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Periodic Table By

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1 Periodic Table By

2 Lightest Most abundant (74%) Found in stars and nebulas Hydrogen

3 Used in Air ships since its cheaper than helium. Unfortunately it was highly flammable. HINDENBERG DISASTER watch?v=CgWHbpMVQ1U Hydrogen

4 Flammable Inflammable Homework What is the difference between

5 Used to fill balloons. Changes your voice because helium is less dense than air (Oxygen and Nitrogen). Disposable helium tanks are cut with oxygen to prevent children from suffocating. Helium

6 Helium is mined from natural gas in the ground. It was not deposited there when the earth formed unlike other stable gases. It is created by the radioactive decay of Uranium and Thorium over time. Helium We are exhausting our helium supplies!

7 Soft, shiny, silvery metal. So light it floats on water. Used in batteries: powers laptops, pacemakers, cars, etc. Lithium ion pills are used to treat bipolar disorder. Lithium

8 Beryllium is expensive, toxic, light but strong, corrosive resistant and has a high melting point. Light but strong makes it useful for rocket and missile parts since money is no object there. Beryllium

9 Used in laundry detergents Boron nitride may replace diamond as the hardest known substance. Makes silly putty soft and moldable in your hand but hard and bouncy when you throw it at the wall. Boron

10 Secret Agent Use: Boron Carbide is one of hardest known substances. Pouring granules of it into the oil hole of an internal combustion engine will destroy the engine by irreparably scorching the cylinder walls. Used in tank armor and bulletproof vests an to sharpen knives. Boron

11 Basis of life DNA Proteins and Steroids Pure carbon can turn into: Diamonds Graphite Buckyballs Carbon Dioxide and global warming. Carbon


13 They are not rare They are not overly beautiful They do not last forever All three of these myths were created by the DeBeers diamond company. Diamonds should be 1/10 of their current cost but this company created a monopoly over them. Carbon Diamonds are a scam

14 Most abundant gas in the air we breath (78%) Inert and non-reactive (N 2 ) but when combined with hydrogen we get Ammonia (NH 3 ) Ammonia fertilizers feeds a third of the world. Nitrogen

15 Boiling point of -196C It is cold enough to freeze almost anything. Cryogenics m/watch?v=-gvxOBfHiE4 m/watch?v=-gvxOBfHiE4 jects/a/Things-To-Do-With-Liquid-Nitrogen.htm Liquid Nitrogen

16 Reacts with almost any organic compound. Needed for combustion (cars, rockets, fire, etc). 21% of our atmosphere Can you make a camp fire on the moon? Oxygen

17 Most reactive metal on the periodic table. Blow a stream of fluorine gas at almost anything and it will burst into flame. Used in drinking water and toothpaste to strengthen teeth. Combines with Carbon to make teflon (the most slippery substance known to man) Fluorine

18 Noble Gas Least reactive of all the elements. Used to make “neon lights”. Neon

19 Sodium

20 Magnesium

21 Aluminum

22 Silicon

23 Phosphorous

24 Sulfur

25 Chlorine

26 Argon

27 Potassium

28 Calcium

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