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The end of all worldly goals are empty. Ecclesiastes 1:2.

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1 The end of all worldly goals are empty. Ecclesiastes 1:2

2   The poor live endlessly with hunger and thirst, along with minimal to no shelter.  Many of the wealthy have “everything” yet are lonely and full of misery.  Others live happy in this life but have nothing eternal to show for it.  Solomon’s conclusion: all is vanity. Ecc. 1:1-2, 13-17 Everything Here on Earth is Vain

3  and listen to the preacher as he offers counsel of eternal wisdom. Let’s “Gather Together”

4   Wants (pleasure). Ecc. 2:1-11  Stimulate body with wine (v. 3), Houses, vineyards (v. 4), gardens and parks (v. 5), ponds for a forest (v. 6), slaves and flocks (v. 7), collected silver and gold, (v. 8) provided entertainment (v. 8). …All his eyes desired he did. (v. 10)  All was vanity and striving after the wind. V. 11 All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity

5   Wisdom. Ecc. 2:12-16  Wisdom excels folly. V. 12-14  Even though wisdom excels folly, both end in the same place. V. 15  Further, there was no lasting remembrance of the wise man. V. 16 All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity

6   Work. Ecc. 2:18-23  The fruit of a wise man’s labors it left to another, possibly a fool. V. 18-19  He gives his reward (earnings) – he earned through wisdom, knowledge and skill – to another who has not labored for it.  In the end, such is meaningless. V. 20-23 All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity

7   Those who live to please God are blessed by Him. Ecc. 2:24-26  He receives wisdom, knowledge, and joy. V. 26  Conversely, to those who do not please Him, what he has is taken away and given to the one who pleases Him. Cp. Matt. 25:28-29 All Endeavors With God Are Profitable

8   We do not know the activities God has in store for our future. Ecc. 11  Therefore, spend your days toiling with a good and noble heart… and enjoy the fruit of your labors before God. Ecc. V. 6-8  Children, enjoy your youth. V. 9-10 All Endeavors With God Are Profitable

9   Remember, always keep God in your life. Ecc. 12  While enjoying life, do not forget your Creator…otherwise, all your labors are nothing but vanity. V. 1-8  Here is the simple conclusion (cp. V. 9-12): fear God and keeps His commandments. V. 13-14 All Endeavors With God Are Profitable

10   Brethren, consider your labors (wisdom, wants, and works) that all be done to your satisfaction and ultimately, to the pleasure (will) of God.  Enjoy life in service to God, otherwise all is vanity. Conclusion

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