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Spring 2014 Kansas Association of School Librarians Carmaine Ternes & Nancy McFarlin Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2014 Kansas Association of School Librarians Carmaine Ternes & Nancy McFarlin Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2014 Kansas Association of School Librarians Carmaine Ternes & Nancy McFarlin Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln

2 “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. “ John F. Kennedy

3  Everyone has a chance at the American dream!  Today's students are tomorrow's workforce and civic leaders!  Public schools that graduate students are a great investment…but just how great?

4  We can’t afford to let anyone slip through the cracks, particularly when we know our “best and brightest” tend to leave our rural and smaller communities.  We need to graduate every student college and career ready!  There are more Honors Kids in China than the US has kids!

5  How much more will the 264 Emporia High School graduates from 2011-12 earn over a class of high school dropouts in one year? $2.74 million  How about money saved from reduced expenditures on crime or the use of Medicaid and uninsured medical costs? ◦ For one year reduced expenditures on crime, $477,576. ◦ Medicaid and uninsured, $75,141.  How many new jobs would be created in the community the first year because of the increased spending? 21!

6 What did the 55 non-graduates cost Emporia?  $566,353! For one year in lost wages! How many more jobs would have been created with those earnings?  4.5…each year! How much more will the crime costs be?  $98,652! How about uninsured and increased Medicaid costs?  $15,528!

7  What did the 55 non-graduates cost #USD 253?  Base State Aid Per Pupil (BSAPP) for 2011- 2012 was $3,780 for a total $207,900.00 for one year.  If students dropped prior to their senior year, the amount would be higher.  If students are considered Bilingual, At Risk, or Vocational Education, a district receives additional weightings. 8/28/2012 7

8 Between 2008 and 2018, Kansas will have 482,000 openings from job creation and retirements.  62% will need postsecondary credentials (Industry Recognized Certificate, AA, BA+)  Currently - just over 40% of our Kansas workforce has postsecondary credentials Source: midwest-challenge.pdf midwest-challenge.pdf

9  9% will not need a high school diploma  Currently, 19% of Kansas students are not graduating, creating a 10% gap for available jobs for non- graduates!!

10  College graduates now make $17,500 more per year than those without a college degree.  This wage gap has doubled in recent decades.  Those without a degree are four times more likely to be unemployed.  8/going-to-college-may-cost-you-but-so- will-skipping-it 8/going-to-college-may-cost-you-but-so- will-skipping-it 8/28/2012 10

11 11 Student Performance

12 12 What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? A state-led effort to develop a set of consistent, clear, common K-12 academic standards in English language arts and mathematics States decide individually to adopt the CCSS and have the option to add up to 15%, preserving the core expectations Kansas adopted the CCSS in October, 2010

13 13  To ensure all students are college and career ready when they leave our Pre-K-12 system  To propel change in instructional practices in order to improve student performance Common Core State Standards College and Career Ready Students Technology Teacher Effectiveness

14 How can I learn about the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards? See resources at the Kansas State Department of Education website:  d=4754 d=4754  ments/Home/NSBA_CommonCoreFAQ_v1.pdf ments/Home/NSBA_CommonCoreFAQ_v1.pdf 14

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16 16  How might your group, business, or individual citizens help support your local schools? Ideas… Keep informed about issues and their impact on schools Present your expertise to a class Be a Site Council member Be a Big Brother/Sister Provide materials, tools, $$ support Oversee job shadowing Volunteer in a classroom

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