Making a presentation Dublin June 2006. To improve skills and confidence in giving an oral scientific presentation Objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a presentation Dublin June 2006. To improve skills and confidence in giving an oral scientific presentation Objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a presentation Dublin June 2006

2 To improve skills and confidence in giving an oral scientific presentation Objective

3 Demonstration I have been asked to give a 10 minute presentation on evidence for prophylaxis in meningococcal disease at HPA Conference Please think of a few points for improvement….


5 Find out beforehand Where: venue, travel When: time for preparation Who: audience, number, mix of professionals public and the press, expectations What: content, duration Format: chaired, panel, interaction, question time Equipment: projector, laptop, bring file or in advance

6 Structure of talk Introduction Objective Background Methods Results Key points Acknowledgements

7 Introduction Title slide: clear punchy title name and post place and date Objective: what you are going to cover and what you expect audience to get from your talk

8 The study Background: what was known before study and why you did it Methods: design Results: main findings Key points/conclusions: what the study adds what is controversial implications for policy and practice further research questions

9 Layout Avoid railway timetables Figures better than tables Avoid jargon/ acronyms Easily legible, not too much info (5-7lines per slide, at least font size 24) Simple style and background

10 Preparing delivery Practice beforehand to yourself or to others Check the time taken (plan about 1 slide for 1 minute) Use slides to enhance not to duplicate what you are saying Know how you are going to start. If using short notes, write out the first sentence.

11 Starting the talk Arrive in plenty of time Dress comfortably and appropriately: if in doubt, start off formal (then undress) Take time to check technology: slide changing, pointer, first slide projected, microphone, lighting Tension normal Deep breath, ground yourself Make sure audience is ready

12 Delivery Keep arms by your side, hands out of your pockets Look at the audience. Move your gaze around. Check audience can see slides Don’t read off the slides OK to smile occasionally, even a joke, don’t be flippant (James) Project your voice Vary your tone Keep to time

13 Key message Prepare and Practice

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