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What Are Inhalants? Inhalants are gaseous substances that can be found in common household products.

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Presentation on theme: "What Are Inhalants? Inhalants are gaseous substances that can be found in common household products."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Are Inhalants? Inhalants are gaseous substances that can be found in common household products.

3 Inhalants depress the central nervous system and displace the oxygen in the lungs.

4 Inhalants are the third most widely abused drug. Only tobacco and alcohol are more popular among drug- using youngsters.

5 Classification Depressant

6 Tolerance- Yes/? Physical dependence- Yes/mild Psychological dependence- Yes/moderate to high

7 Common Names Huffing Snappers Poppers Locker room Rush

8 Appearance Paint Plastic cement Lighter fluid Nitrous oxide Ether Hair spray Cooking sprays And the list goes on and on. Fingernail polish remover

9 Vapors inhaled are absorbed through the lungs and enter the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the chemicals travel to the brain and other tissues throughout the body.

10 Most inhalants that are abused depress the nervous system. However, the effects of each inhalant are difficult to determine because each product is made up of many different chemicals.

11 Immediate effects Relaxation Slurred speech Euphoria Hallucinations Drowsiness Dizziness Nausea Vomiting Lung damage Kidney damage Death from heart failure or suffocation

12 Effects are felt quickly and pass quickly, usually in a few minutes, but occasionally last for up to an hour.

13 Long term effects can cause: Memory loss Concentration problems Visual disturbances Blindness Motor problems Peripheral nerve damage Lung and kidney damage Death

14 Dangers Liver and kidney damage Nerve and brain damage Instant heart failure Teeth and gum damage Respiratory arrest Coma Death Throat, nasal, and lung damage

15 Forms Amyl nitrite Butyl nitrite Nitrous oxide Any material that has vapors may be abused.


17 DANGER Extremely Flammable Harmful or Fatal If Swallowed Vapors May Cause Fire DANGER: Keep away from heat and flame. If swallowed or if excessive inhalation occurs resulting in abnormal reactions including dizziness or nausea, contact a physician. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling contents may be harmful or fatal. (From a warning label on waterproofing spray)




21 The End

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