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Post-War Social Change 1920-1929 An Introduction: Society during the 1920s.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-War Social Change 1920-1929 An Introduction: Society during the 1920s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-War Social Change 1920-1929 An Introduction: Society during the 1920s

2 The “Flapper” Shorter skirt. Low neck-line Shorter Hair / No hat No sleeves, no gloves Heels No corset Make-up Jewelry

3 Flappers What was a 1920s “Flapper?” How do Flappers “embody the modern spirit of the 1920s?” –20’s are a time of great cultural change. Why did the Flapper emerge just after WWI? –Outcome of the advancements of women during WWI. Convenient dress of working women. Symbolizes women’s new self- confidence. *1920s are a time of reaction to WWI! What is the legacy of Flappers today?

4 Post War Social Change 1920s can also be seen as a time of reaction to the advancements, horrors, and lessons of WWI. –Inward focus instead of imperialism –Question traditional values 1920s can be seen as a time of acceleration of the changes brought by the previous generation. –Industrialization –Social Change Today’s examples: –Women –Demographics of America African Americans Growth of the Suburbs

5 Post War Social Change: Women Causes: –Women had risen into better, higher paying jobs during WWI. –19 th Amendment ratified in 1920. – Women were eager for greater equality with men! Change: –Dress – Women began to wear shorter clothing and wear their hair shorter. –Behavior - Some women began smoking, drinking. –Jobs – amount of Women in professional positions (as opposed to clerical) rose during the 1920s.

6 Women in the 1920s Fast Facts… During the 1920s, the “Bob” hair style became popular, along with “cloche” hats. Between 1913-1928, the average amount of fabric used to make a woman’s outfit shrank from 19.5 to just 7 yards! Women in the 1920s began wearing heavy make-up, a practice previously only associated with actresses and prostitutes.

7 Post War Social Change: Demographics Demographics = statistics that describe the general population. Rural-Urban Split –After WWI, the demand and price for farm goods dropped. Many farms suffered. –Meanwhile, the industrial and commercial economy boomed. –Result? 6 million people moved from rural to urban areas during the 1920s!

8 Post War Social Change: Demographics Great Migration –Migration of Africans Americans north from the later 1800s through WWI. *Why? 1.Jim Crow laws in the South 2.Lack of economic opportunity (share cropping!) 3.Northern industrial jobs. –Continued through into the 1920s!


10 Post War Social Change: Demographics Growth of the Suburbs *Why? –Cities were becoming overcrowded. –New transportation technology Bus lines. Mass transit Affordable car. –Racism Fast Fact: –In New York, the 1920s saw Manhattan’s population fall, while the population of the suburb of Queens doubled!

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