Quality Assurance and Accountability/ Monitoring and Evaluation Accomplishments as of January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance and Accountability/ Monitoring and Evaluation Accomplishments as of January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance and Accountability/ Monitoring and Evaluation Accomplishments as of January 2010

2 Specific Objectives contributing to this overall target are as follows: 1. By SY 2009-2010, quality planning shall have been introduced/established as a process in 4,153 schools, 18 Divisions and 6 Regions modeling the process; 2. By 2010-2011, quality planning shall been introduced/established in the remaining divisions nationwide 3. By 2010-2011, the Quality Management System shall have been introduced/established in 6 modeling regions, 18 modeling Divisions and the Central Office 4. By 2011-2012, QMS shall have been introduced/established in the remaining schools, divisions, and regions; and 5. By 2012-2013, QMS shall have become a culture in the basic education system.

3 Specific Objective 1: By SY 2009-2010, quality planning shall have been introduced/established as a process in 4,153 schools, 18 Divisions and 6 Regions modeling the process (hyperlink regs/divs) Accomplishments: 1. Conduct of Orientation on QMS in two clusters to core QMTs covering 5 regions and 15 divisions modeling the process (May 2009) and 3 divisions assisted by STRIVE 2. Quality planning introduced as a process by NEAP to 15 divisions and 2,431 schools

4 Specific Objective no. 2: By 2010-2011, quality planning shall been introduced/established in the remaining divisions nationwide Accomplishments: 1. Quality planning as a process established in Divisions assisted by TEEP, SEDIP, BEAM and STRIVE 2. Quality planning as a process introduced by NEAP in the ____ Divisions and ____ schools 3. Quality planning established as a process in regions assisted by BEAM 4. Quality assurance of SIPs established as a process in Divisions assisted by TEEP, SEDIP, BEAM and STRIVE 5. Quality assurance of DEDPs introduced as a process in Divisions assisted by SEDIP, BEAM and STRIVE

5 Specific Objective no. 3: By 2010-2011, the Quality Management System shall have been introduced/established in 6 modeling regions, 18 modeling Divisions and the Central Office Accomplishments: 1. National Assessment Framework (NAF) finalized 2. National Planning Framework (NPF) prepared 3. Quality Assurance and Accountability Framework (QAAF) approved by EXECOM; DepEd Memo officially adopting QAAF, prepared 4. Basic Ed Sub-sector Monitoring and Eval Framework (BESMEF) finalized 5. School and Division M&E Systems designed 6. Assessment of SBM Level of Practice Manual finalized/distributed (c/o TWG-SBM) 7. Meta-analysis on studies on high performing schools and review of Accreditation Systems (local and international) done to harmonize APPES and Sterling Silver Accreditation Systems

6 QAA/M&E Accomplishment 1. Conducted Workshop on Identifying Core Processes at different DepED levels Phase 1: Venue: Tagatay International Convention Center Date: October 22-23, 2009 Phase 2: Venue: Puerto Princesa, Palawan Date: January 5-8, 2010 2. Inclusion of Region XII to the existing 5 modeling regions New Divisions included: 1. Tacurong City Division 2. North Cotabato Division 3. Sarangani Division

7 QAA/M&E Accomplishment 3. Outputs of Consultant: QAAF and QMS Design Managing the M&E System (Regional, Division and School M&E) ALS Quality Management Framework 4. Meetings & Workshop re: School Accreditation

8 QAA/M&E Accomplishment 5. Conducted Capacity Building Program on QMS for Central Office participants Venue:Tagaytay International Convention Center Date:November 16-20, 2009 6. Conducted Capacity Building Program on QMS for:  Region X and Divisions of Tangub, Oroquieta and Lanao del Norte (Cagayan de Oro City, November, 2009)  Region I and Divisions of Vigan, Pangasinan and San Carlos (Caoayan, Ilocos Sur, January 2010)

9 Challenges 1. Clarity on process ownership at the Central Office Planning Assessment M&E 2. RAT plan approval (implication: QMS home office) 3. Implications of assessment plans re NEETS of the Presidential Task Force on Education 4. Engagement of Planning Specialist and Int’l QA Consultant

10 Next Steps….. Workshop on Managing the M&E System and Appraisal System for RO & DO personnel (January 2010-March 2010) Region XII and ARMM– February 15-19, 2010 Region V – March 1-5, 2010 Region VI - March 15-19, 2010

11 QAA/M&E Next Steps 2. Inventory of Standards and Processes (continuing activity) 3. M&E on the actual Appraisal of RO and DO (April to May 2010) 4. School Installation of QMS (April to May 2010) 5. Monitoring of the Installation re: QMS (April to May 2010) 6. Monitoring of the Modeling Regions and Divisions (June to December 2010) 7. Enhancement of QMS based on the School Installation re: QMS (May to June 2010)

12 QAA/M&E Next Steps 8. National M&E System (January to February 2010) Development Manualization of Capability Building Installation/Operationalization of M&E 9. Establishment of National Standards 10. QM Inventory of Process/Practices at the Region and Division

13 Next Steps: 1. M&E and quality planning established in 4,153 schools 2. QMS established at the regions (REDPs), divisions (DEDPs) and schools (SIPs) 3. Capacity building program for Quality Management Teams (QMTs) continually implemented across levels

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