How do Deadly Computer Viruses Work “These are just babies of deranged people”-anonymous Brandon Wise 2 nd period 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Deadly Computer Viruses Work “These are just babies of deranged people”-anonymous Brandon Wise 2 nd period 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Deadly Computer Viruses Work “These are just babies of deranged people”-anonymous Brandon Wise 2 nd period 2005

2 How exactly do they work Computer viruses travel many different ways Traveling by program and email are the most popular ways to travel

3 Origins A computer virus must be made by someone. Main reasons for being made are revenge, bragging wrights and for destruction

4 Worms Don’t travel they are “sent” to a website and they find loopholes in the security. easily removed Are most destructive

5 EMAIL VIRUS comes over e- mail infects e-mail drive usually is a weak virus most famous was the ILOVEYOU virus

6 Trojan Horses Downloaded when game is played Pretends to be a game Mainly mocking can be destructive

7 CODE RED Tried to hack white house Replaced certain websites with hacked by Chinese Famous worm virus from the late 1990’s to the early 2000’s

8 Spanish Hi-fi Virus Took away all power from computers. Went away after four days Mainly in Spain, Mexico and other Central American countries

9 Melissa Virus Created in Germany Traveled quickly Created in 2001 Destroyed web pages

10 Miami Scandal 200 different virus reported only 4 of 200 got out of Miami 60 kids suspended for the creation of the viruses

11 Trojanhorse.3m3 Came in England 2003 destroyed internet access called itself Halo Advanced Had to be removed via another computer

12 ILOVEYOU virus Famous e-mail virus created by a fourteen year old turned out to be a joke created mass pop-ups anytime on your computer

13 The Removal of Viruses Norton anti-viruses is top rated virus protector. Most of the time you just find the virus and press delete. If loopholes are fixed the viruses usually cant come back

14 Future of Viruses Worms will be easier to block Viruses description will be more complex Viruses will be harder to remove

15 Bibliography Harrens, Mike and Halibrut, Joesph. Com|>uter viruses. San Francisco: How Stuff Works, 1999. Kirkland, Harrison. “The True facts about Viruses”, 16 April 2005. Miches, Ulan. How computer viruses work Part 1 & 2. Sydney: Jackson, 2001

16 I am 12 and love any music! My favorite bands are Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Unwritten Law, Breaking Benjamin, Papa Roach and Weird Al Yankovic. I love baseball especially like the Atlanta Braves and the Baltimore Orioles. I really really don’t like the New York Yankees. ABOUT ME

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