中文 105 Fall 2009 你好 Nǐ hǎo. 1. 介绍 (Introduction)  My name… 董治音 (Dong3 zhi4 yin1) (董老师 Dong3 lao3 shi1: teacher Dong )  The course..  How is the course.

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Presentation on theme: "中文 105 Fall 2009 你好 Nǐ hǎo. 1. 介绍 (Introduction)  My name… 董治音 (Dong3 zhi4 yin1) (董老师 Dong3 lao3 shi1: teacher Dong )  The course..  How is the course."— Presentation transcript:

1 中文 105 Fall 2009 你好 Nǐ hǎo

2 1. 介绍 (Introduction)  My name… 董治音 (Dong3 zhi4 yin1) (董老师 Dong3 lao3 shi1: teacher Dong )  The course..  How is the course taught?  Questions?  Your Chinese names..  What do you know about the language that we call “Chinese”?

3 1.What do you know about Chinese (mandarin) as a language?  Phonetics  Morphology?  Syntax (Grammar)  Dialects  Orthography: The Characters  Now, some Chinese !

4 Ni3 hao  A-Ni3 hao!  B-Ni3 hao!  A-Wo3 shi4 ….  B-Wo3 shi4…  A-Xin4 hui4  B-Xin4 hui4! Zai4 jian4  A-Zai4 jian!

5 1.Classroom Expressions…  Zài jiàn-Good bye  Xiè xiè-thank you  Hěn hǎo-very good  Nǐ hǎo-hello

6 1.The Three Parts of The “Chinese alphabet”-Pinyin  First, A new classroom expression: Qǐng gēn wǒ niàn: read after me  Initials: Consonants and consonant clusters  Finals: Vowel and vowel combinations.  Tones: Chinese is a tonal language!  Let’s look at an example: Nǐ hǎo Nǐ hǎo

7 1-2.Syllable, Word, and Character  One or more syllables make a word:  Each syllable has a Chinese character initial Nǐ hǎo initial Nǐ hǎo 你 好 Tone final

8 2.The Pinyin Chart Finalsaoeê-ieraieiaoouanenangeng Initials 1234 a 1234 e 1234 (ê) 234 er 1234 ai 1234 ao 1 34 ou 1 34 an 1 4 en 12 4 ang b 1234 ba 1234 bo 1234 bai 1 34 bei 1234 bao 1 34 ban 1 34 ben 1 34 bang 1234 beng p 12 4 pa 1234 po 1234 pai 12 4 pei 1234 pao 1 pou 12 4 pan 12 4 pen 1234 pang 1234 peng m 1234 ma 1234 mo me 234 mai 234 mei 1234 mao 23 mou 1234 man 12 4 men 23 mang 1234 meng

9 2.The Finals aa, o, o ao ee, i, i ei uu, ü ü uü

10 2.The Initials-Part I  b p m f  b p m f  d t n l  g k h  g k h

11 3.The Initials-Part II  j q x  z c s  z c s  zh ch sh r  zh ch sh r

12 The Initials Song The Initials Song B,p,m,f d,t,n,l G is the brother of k and h J as in jeep, q is like cheese, X means “west” In Chinese Z c s silk we all like, Zh ch sh rrun really fast.

13 3.The Tones

14 3.Practice! Māmámǎmà Dīdídǐdì Gēgégěgè

15 4.Classroom Expressions  Lǎo shī hǎo Hello Teacher  Xiè xie Thank you  Bú kè qi You are welcome

16 4.The Compound Finals-Part I  1. ai ei ao ou  2. An en ang eng ong  3. Ia iao ie iu ia in iang ing iong

17 4.Our First Tongue Twister! Sì he shí 四和十 Sì shì sì,Four is four 四是四 Shí shì shíTen is ten. 十是十 Shísì shì shí sì,Fourteen is fourteen, 十四是十四 Sì shí shì sì shí.Forty is forty. 四十是四十

18 4-5.Let’s review and do some practice  Initials-let’s sing the song one more time!  Compound finals-part I flashcards

19 5.The Compound Finals-Part II  1. ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng  2. üe üan ün  3. er

20 5.Tone Sandhi  New classroom expression: Qing3 wen4  Two or more third tones = second + third  Two fourth tones = fourth + neutral  third tone + Any tone= half third tone + any tone

21 A Game!  Pinyin 举示

22 6. Spelling rules  First some classroom expression: Qǐng wèn  When there is no intials before finals starting with u, w shall be added as initial. For example: u - wu  If there is other vowels after u, u shall be changed to w. For example: ua – wauo –wouai –waiuei – wei  When there is no intials before finals starting with i, y shall be added as initial. For example: in –yining -ying  If there is other vowels after i, i shall be changed to y. For example: ia – yaie –yeiao –yaoiou –you

23 6. Spelling rules  When there is no intials before finals starting with ü, y shall be added as initial no matter if there is vowels after ü. When y added, ü is changed to u. For example: ü – yuüe – yueüan – yuanün –yun  When initials other than n and l proceed finals ü starting with, ü changes to u. nü – nülü – lüjü – juqü - qu

24 Practice  Yan  Ian  uan  wan  yi iiii XuXuXuXu XüXüXüXü

25 6. Where to mark the tones?  The tone mark is placed over the vowel if there is only one vowel letter. bùnàtè  If there are two vowels, the tone mark is placed on the first, unless the this first vowel is i or u. kǎihēiqiútuī Qióngzhuāng chuán  When the tone mark is place on i, the small dot is removed. yílínhuī

26 6.Classroom Expressions and L1 New words  Duī bù qǐSorry, excuse me  Méi guān xiIt’s O.K.  How do you ask questions? Nǐ hǎo mā How are you? Wǒ hěn hǎo ! I am good. Let’s greet each other this way!  Let’s practice on L1 D1 new words..

27 Another Game 写拼音比赛:男生组女生组

28 The Characters 中国字  The origin and categories of Characters  Basic radicals  Stroke order  Basic strokes  Let’s practice!  Your homework( a lot of it):

29 The origin of Chinese Characters  The earliest Chinese characters were found on the “Oracle bones” (turtle shells)  Chinese written system evolved over the years and developed many different styles

30 Categories of Modern Chinese Characters  Pictographic  Self-explanatory  Associative compounds

31 Categories of Modern Chinese Characters  Pictophonetic 洋妈 饭 钢  Mutually explanatory 老考  Phonetic loan 来我

32 Radicals  Radicals are basic and meaningful components of Chinese characters. Knowing them well will greatly facilitates your understanding of the characters  你 好

33 Basic Strokes  There are a total of eleven basic strokes that in combination form Chinese characters. Each of them should be written in a particular way

34 The stroke orders 1. Top before bottom 2. Left before right 3. Left vertical stroke (usually) before top horizontal stroke 4. Bottom horizontal stroke last 5. Center stroke before wings 6. Horizontal strokes before intersecting vertical strokes 7. Left-falling strokes before right-falling srokes A final rule can contradict the others: 4. Bottom horizontal stroke last 5. Center stroke before wings 6. Horizontal strokes before intersecting vertical strokes 7. Left-falling strokes before right-falling srokes A final rule can contradict the others: 8. Minor strokes (often) last Despite these conflicts between rules most students quickly acquire a natural feel for the proper stroke order. `

35 Lesson 1 New Words  Let’s write some of the new words from Lesson 1 , and pay attention to the structures and radicals of these words 小姐请问您 贵姓名字我

36 Practice Quiz I.Circle the sound you heard: 1)bp2)dt 3)gk4)jq 5)xt6)mf 7)nl8)zhsh 9)zc10)lh 11)chc12)zzh 13)ssh14)jg 15)cz

37 Practice Quiz IICircle the sound you heard and mark the tones: 1)xishi2)rili 3)zaja4)zhenchen 5)sixi6)gehe 7)xinjin8)chanshan 9)qichi10)shazha

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