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Presentation on theme: "MULTI-JURISIDICTIONAL MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETING Meeting No. 1 – January 15, 2009 W. Scott Ogden, P.E. Presented by: For MARICOPA COUNTY."— Presentation transcript:

1 MULTI-JURISIDICTIONAL MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETING Meeting No. 1 – January 15, 2009 W. Scott Ogden, P.E. Presented by: For MARICOPA COUNTY Warren Leek Cristina Herrera and

2 MJMHMP – Maricopa COUNTY Meeting Agenda Hazard Mitigation Overview Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 Planning Process Introductions Project Schedule Planning Team Roles Public Involvement Hazard Identification / Profiling

3 What is Hazard Mitigation? HAZARD MITIGATION is defined as: “ Any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards.” PLANNING is defined as: “ The act or process of making or carrying out plans; specifically, the establishment of goals, policies, and procedures for a social or economic unit.”

4 What is Hazard Mitigation In a Picture… from this to this from this to this Instead of…

5 What is Hazard Mitigation Or … from this to this

6 Where is Mitigation?

7 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning MJ PLANNING –County + Incorporated Communities –One set of meetings, one Plan –Partnerships –Efficiency through combined resources –Planning awareness by adjacent communities –More cost effective

8 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Plan Update Considerations –Document all review processes and changes made –Submit a complete document

9 Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 ELIGIBILITY IMPACTED PROGRAMS –Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Initiated by presidential disaster declaration Projects –Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM) Annual and nationally competitive Projects and planning

10 Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 ELIGIBILITY IMPACTED PROGRAMS [ STATE and TRIBES ONLY ] –Public Assistance Funds (PA), Permanent Restorative Work, Cats C-G Initiated by presidential disaster declaration State and Tribal Only

11 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Planning Team Public Involvement Plan Promulgation Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Mitigation Strategy Step 4: Plan Maintenance Procedures Step 1: Planning Process

12 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Hazard Identification Hazard Profiling Vulnerability Analysis –Asset Inventory –Loss Estimation –Repetitive Loss Properties –Development Trend Analysis Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Mitigation Strategy Step 4: Plan Maintenance Procedures Step 1: Planning Process

13 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Capability Assessment Goals and Objectives Mitigation Activities/ Projects –NFIP Compliance Implementation Strategy Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Mitigation Strategy Step 4: Plan Maintenance Procedures Step 1: Planning Process

14 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Monitoring, Evaluation, and Update Plan Implementation Continued Public Involvement Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Mitigation Strategy Step 4: Plan Maintenance Procedures Step 1: Planning Process

15 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning

16 MJMHMP – MARICOPA COUNTY Introductions – Please share the following: –Name –Jurisdiction / Organization –New to Hazard Mitigation or Returning Planning Team Member? –What is your perceived role?

17 MJMHMP – MARICOPA COUNTY Planning Folders (Sue Wood of ADEM) –Contents –Required for every meeting

18 MJMHMP – MARICOPA COUNTY Schedule –Current Plan Expiration: Nov 29, 2009 –Anticipate at least 6 meetings (maybe 7) –Review Project Schedule

19 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Planning Team Public Involvement Plan Adoption Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Mitigation Strategy Step 4: Plan Maintenance Procedures Step 1: Planning Process

20 Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Team Levels Three Levels –Primary Point of Contact (PPOC) –Community Point of Contact (CPOC) –Local Team

21 Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Team Roles Primary Point of Contact (PPOC) –County Emergency Manager or designee PPOC Responsibilities –Contact and organize planning team –Coordinate / ensure attendance and participation –Organize / arrange planning team meetings

22 Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Team Roles Community Point of Contact –Chosen by Community CPOC Responsibilities –Ensure 100% attendance/representation at MJPT meetings –Convey information to and from Local Team –Ensure timely homework completion –Arrange for official plan adoption

23 Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Team Roles Local Team –Work with CPOC to collect data, perform tasks, and review plan documents –Potential candidates: –Emergency Management –Planning and Zoning –Engineering –Building Safety –Public Works –Mayor /Council Members –Board of Supervisors / Directors –GIS Department –Floodplain Manager –Fire/Police/Sheriff’s Dept. –Transportation Department –Large Business Owners –Chamber of Commerce –Utility Companies

24 Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Team Roles PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: ***Failure to fulfill responsibilities will result in removal from the planning process and exclusion from The Plan.***

25 NEXT STEPS… ASSIGNMENTS: –Define CPOC –Begin assembling LPT Next Meeting: February 12, 2009 9am-11am MCDOT – Apache Conf Room (2901 W. Durango St., Phoenix)

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