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Can you name some -ir verbs in French?. Grossir Maigrir Réussir à Dormir Choisir.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you name some -ir verbs in French?. Grossir Maigrir Réussir à Dormir Choisir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you name some -ir verbs in French?

2 Grossir Maigrir Réussir à Dormir Choisir

3 How do you conjugate a regular –ir verb?

4 With je, the ending is? With tu? With il, elle, on? With nous? With vous? With ils, elles?

5 Lets try conjugating FINIR

6 FINIR (to finish) Je finisNous finissons Tu finisVous finissez Il, elle, on finitIls, elles finissent

7 How do you make a sentence negative in French?

8 Add “ne…pas” Je finis mes devoirs. Je ne finis pas mes devoirs. Il maigrit Il ne maigrit pas.

9 What are 4 ways of asking a question in French?

10 Est-ce que + subject + verb Est-ce que tu parles français? Inversion (verb+ subject) Parles-tu français? Intonation (make your voice go up at the end) Tu parles français? “n’est-ce pas” almost sure the answer is “oui” Tu parles français n’est-ce pas?

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