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Technological Entrepreneurship Welcome to GEB 5516 -Technological Entrepreneurship - Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Entrepreneurship Welcome to GEB 5516 -Technological Entrepreneurship - Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Entrepreneurship Welcome to GEB 5516 -Technological Entrepreneurship - Spring 2014

2 Technological Entrepreneurship Geoffrey Nicholson said, “Research is the process of turning money into knowledge; and Innovation is the process of turning knowledge into money.”

3 Technological Entrepreneurship Let’s Get Started… GEB 5516 -Technological Entrepreneurship - Spring 2014

4 Technological Entrepreneurship 200 Years, 200 Countries “Pretty Neat”  So Why Innovate…?  What Does It Take…?

5 Technological Entrepreneurship First, Let’s Discuss… What It Takes What do you think it takes…?

6 Technological Entrepreneurship What It Takes… Recognizing Opportunity; and Creativity  Make Meaning and Money  Entrepreneurship  Leadership

7 Technological Entrepreneurship “I have sometimes almost wish it had been my destiny to be born two or three centuries hence… For invention and improvement are prolific, and beget more of the kind.” Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

8 Technological Entrepreneurship “ Today, Turbulent and Changing Times…” Risk and Uncertainty… or Opportunity Jobs, Careers… Business, Industry… Global, Mobile… Trends, Trade… Customers, Brands… Promises, Value, Delivery…

9 Technological Entrepreneurship A Chance of a Lifetime… “…Be Inspired -- Make The Future…”

10 Technological Entrepreneurship Getting Started -- Tonight we will cover… 1.Introductions 2.Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3.The Class and Deliverables 4.Chapter 1 5.Next Steps

11 Technological Entrepreneurship Tonight’s Learning Objectives  Perform introductions and discuss expectations.  Discuss innovation and entrepreneurship.  Communicate semester outlook,  Communicate requirements and deliverables.  Define entrepreneurship.  Explain the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth.  Distinguish entrepreneurial ventures from small businesses in terms of their purpose and goals.  Describe the evolution of entrepreneurship as a field of study since the 1960s.  Identify today’s broad trends in the field of entrepreneurship.

12 Technological Entrepreneurship Getting Started… Introductions… Hi, I’m Dr. Tom O’Neal… And You Are…?

13 Technological Entrepreneurship Getting Started…Tonight Let’s Continue And Discuss…. Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Class & Deliverables Chapter 1 Next Steps

14 Technological Entrepreneurship “…Potential is Tremendous….” - Opportunity, Growth and Wealth -

15 Technological Entrepreneurship Innovation… Why Innovate?

16 Technological Entrepreneursh ip Why Innovate… - So What…Who Cares…Why You -

17 Technological Entrepreneurship Let’s Discuss…Why Innovate Innovation “Solve” a Problem “Improve” the Quality of Life “Preserve” Something Good

18 Technological Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship What Does an Entrepreneur Do…? Who Might They Be…?

19 Technological Entrepreneurship

20 Let’s Discuss… The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs…

21 Technological Entrepreneurship Successful Entrepreneurs Are Principles Based…  Ethical Conduct  Vision & Value  Focus & Determination  Abstract Thinking & Pragmatic Execution  Commercialization Flexibility George Washington “I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an Honest Man.” (1788)

22 Technological Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs… What About You…?

23 Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs…

24 What’s Hot…  Leadership and Knowledge  Vision and Execution  Economic Environments  Business Eco-Systems  Networks, Platforms, Systems and Connectivity

25 What’s Hot… Digital Infrastructure Strategies  Content, Clouds, Networks, Devices and Mobility  Satellites, Grids, Hubs and Bandwidth  Responsible and Responsive  Safety and Security  Renewable and Reusable

26 Technological Entrepreneurship Knowledge - UCF patents rank in Top Ten –Again UCF RANKS 8 th in USA in PATENT POWER in 2010 …!!! - 2009 - - 2008 -

27 xx Technological Entrepreneurship

28 Rini Technologies, Oviedo, FL Technologies are leveraged for a variety of applications High-power lasers, power electronics, and personal cooling devices Contracts with Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering RINI Wins $1.7 Million from Navy Innovative solutions to the toughest thermal- management challenges Personal Cooling Systems

29 Technological Entrepreneurship Research and Commercialization at UCF

30 What does it look like…?

31 Is there a process…?

32 Technological Entrepreneurship The “Linear” Perspective

33 Make Meaning and Make Money Research is the process of turning money into knowledge; Innovation is the process of turning knowledge into money… What does it look like…? “Digital Opportunities…”  Knowledge and Networks  Mobile on Demand

34 Technological Entrepreneurship Your Commitment … “ It May be your first experience with entrepreneurship… …Make the most of this opportunity ”

35 Technological Entrepreneurship Be Prepared…. Challenges Strategies Execution Performance Launching New Ventures The Textbook Part One: Foundations and Opportunities Part Two: Feasibility and Testing Business Concepts and Models Part Three: Strategy and Planning Part Four: Planning for Growth and Change

36 Technological Entrepreneurship Webcourses/Canvas

37 Blank

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