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Communicating for Results Seventh Edition

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating for Results Seventh Edition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating for Results Seventh Edition
Cheryl Hamilton, Ph.D.

2 2 Opening Quotations [working together].

3 Communication Inside the Organization

4 Formal Communication Downward
Includes 3 types of communication . . . Downward Messages flow downward through the chain of command—i.e., from manager to employee.

5 Formal Communication Upward Downward
Includes 3 types of communication . . . Upward Downward Messages flow upward through the chain of command—i.e., from employee to boss.

6 Formal Communication Horizontal Upward Downward
Includes 3 types of communication . . . Upward Downward Horizontal Messages flow laterally between people of the same rank.

7 Downward Communication
Normally Includes Employee performance appraisals Job instructions Job rationale Policy & procedures Motivational appeals Microsoft Image

8 Upward Communication Employee work, achievements & progress
Normally Includes Employee work, achievements & progress Employee opinions & feelings Outlines of work problems Ideas for improvement Microsoft Image

9 Horizontal Communication
Especially important for Coordinating tasks Solving complex problems Sharing information Resolving conflicts Empowering teams Microsoft Image

10 Informal Communication
Information carried by the “Grapevine” . . . Indicates the health of the organization Adds to employee satisfaction & commitment Indicates employee concerns Is 75-95% accurate Travels fast Microsoft Image

11 Coordination of People & Groups

12 Coordination Includes:
Mutual adjustment Direct supervision Standardization Microsoft Image

13 Organization Models

14 Traditional / Classical
Model Scientific Bureaucratic

15 Scientific Management
Bonus (Bottom Up—concerned with employee problems ) Taylor

16 Taylor’s Best Way Scientific design of each task
Scientific selection of workers Adequate training & rewards Division of labor & responsibilities

17 Bureaucratic Management
Weber (Top down —concerned with manager problems ) Fayol’s Bridge Theory X

18 bypasses chain of command
Fayol’s Bridge A normal lines of communication B C D E Fayol’s Bridge bypasses chain of command

19 McGregor’s Theory X Messages travel downward Upward messages limited
Fear & distrust of management Decisions made by top management

20 Human Relations Model TLC Mayo

21 Human Resources Model “Teams” QC Theory Y McGregor

22 McGregor’s Theory Y Messages travel in all directions
Decisions shared & based on complete input Feedback & listening encouraged Atmosphere of confidence & trust exists Downward messages satisfy employees Microsoft Image

23 Likert’s Four Systems Exploitive/Authoritative
Benevolent/Authoritative Consultative Participative Microsoft Image

24 Systems/Contingency Model “Best style all depends” Fiedler Culture
Theory Z

25 Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
Contingent variables— Task orientation effective when: Human relations orientation effective when: leader-follower relations, position power, & task structure --manager well liked, powerful & tasks well-defined --manager disliked, powerless & tasks poorly defined --manager moderately liked, some power & tasks moderately-defined

26 House’s Path-Goal Theory
Job satisfaction & performance contingent on . . . Satisfaction with job Uncertainty and difficulty of job Communication style of supervisor

27 Transformational Model Virtual Multiunit

28 Virtual Organizations
Temporary venture among several companies Each company has specialty Mutual adjustment as means of coordination Conditional employment

29 Multiunit Organizations
Separate and autonomous businesses Decentralized structure Flexibility of smaller businesses Microsoft Image

30 Awareness Check Organization Models . . .
. . . Check answers at back of book

31 Organization Models & Communication Differences

32 Traditional Model Rational, task-oriented, usually written
Patterns of communication include . . . Rational, task-oriented, usually written Mainly downward Social side less important Structured roles define expectations Expectations determined by position

33 Human Relations Model Supportive, but mainly downward
Patterns of communication include . . . Supportive, but mainly downward Employee needs treated with TLC Feedback from employees & grapevine Communication skills develop & maintain relationships

34 Human Resources Model Team oriented & participative
Patterns of communication include . . . Team oriented & participative Info & feedback flow freely up & down Informal communication encouraged Communication skills needed at all levels

35 Systems/Contingency Model
Patterns of communication include . . . No single best way to communicate Communication influenced by situation Communication flexibility valued Requires communication skills at all levels

36 Transformational Model
Patterns of communication include . . . Horizontal communication essential Upward & downward communication used Awareness of frame-of-reference differences Much communication electronic

37 For Review: --Which organization model does Goleman advocate for today’s successful organization? --What does he mean by emotional intelligence? CNN Fortune

38 The End

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