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By Tim. We are learning to research about how do plants grow.

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Presentation on theme: "By Tim. We are learning to research about how do plants grow."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Tim

2 We are learning to research about how do plants grow

3 How do plants grow? Plants grow and get food from the two processes of photosynthesis and respiration. These processes make food in order for the plant to grow. The plant starts off as a seed and then slowly develops into a seedling. he seed is protected by the seed coat. Inside the seed is the embryo. The embryo turns into the plant. For a few days, the embryo lives off food supply in the seed.

4 What does a plant need to grow

5 How long does a plant live  A plant lives two to three years with out sun or water. No plant could survive in a true desert,where it never rains. But the places where cacti and other desert plants grow do get rain once in a while even if its only every couple of years or so. When it rains desert plants quickly absorb all of the water, storing it in fleshy leaves and stems.


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