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Presentation on theme: "WHO WANTS TO BE A SCIENTIST?"— Presentation transcript:

Life Cycles

2 Which example describes an organism taking in nutrients?
#1 A dog burying a bone A girl eating an apple An inset crawling on a leaf A boy planting tomatoes in a garden

3 Answer b. A girl eating an apple

4 Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned?
#2 Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned? Telling a story Saluting the flag Having blue eyes Riding a bicycle

5 Answer c. Having blue eyes

6 What is the main function of scales on a fish?
#3 What is the main function of scales on a fish? To protect the fish To attract predators To help the fish find food To help the fish breathe

7 Answer a.

8 #4 Which behavior is an example of an animal adapting to a change in the environment? A squirrel climbing a tree A rabbit feeding its young A frog eating an insect A bird migrating south

9 Answer d. A bird migrating south

10 Animals get energy for growth and repair from _____.
#5 Animals get energy for growth and repair from _____. soil food water air

11 Answer b. food

12 #6 A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human’s body produces sweat. These are two ways that organisms may adjust to ___. Cold temperatures Hot temperatures A shortage of food A shortage of drinking water

13 Answer b. Hot temperatures

14 During which season of the year would a rabbit’s fur be thickest?
#7 During which season of the year would a rabbit’s fur be thickest? fall spring summer winter

15 Answer d. winter

16 Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment?
#8 Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment? A bat flying at night A deer drinking water An owl eating a mouse A squirrel storing nuts

17 Answer d. A squirrel storing nuts

18 Which characteristic helps a fox find food?
#9 Which characteristic helps a fox find food? Sense of smell Thick fur Long tail Pointed teeth

19 Answer a. Sense of smell

20 A turtle eating worms is an example of ____.
#10 A turtle eating worms is an example of ____. breathing reproducing eliminating waste taking in nutrients

21 Answer d. taking in nutrients

22 What is the main function of a duck’s webbed feet?
#11 To help the duck make noise To help the duck protect itself To help the duck swim in water To help the duck find a mate

23 Answer c. To help a duck swim in water

24 Which of the following is one way that animals usually respond to a sudden drop in temperature?
#12 sweating shivering blinking salivating

25 Answer b. shivering

26 The energy that all organisms need to survive comes from ___.
#13 the air the Sun water grass

27 Answer b. the sun

28 Which organism is a producer?
#14 grasshopper raccoon grass frog

29 Answer c. grass

30 The long neck on the baby giraffe is ___.
#15 The long neck on the baby giraffe is ___. a learned trait an inherited trait a seasonal adaptation an environmental condition

31 Answer b. an inherited trait

32 A decomposer is an organism that ___.
#16 A decomposer is an organism that ___. preys on other animals eats only plants recycles nutrients uses sunlight to make food

33 Answer a. preys on other animals

34 In order to survive, all animals need ___.
#17 In order to survive, all animals need ___. heat, water and soil sunlight, soil and heat sunlight, air and food food, water and air

35 Answer c. sunlight, air and food

36 One role of a producer in a food chain is to provide ___.
#18 One role of a producer in a food chain is to provide ___. water for plants sunlight for plants nutrients for animals shelter for animals

37 Answer c. nutrients for animals

38 Which sequence shows the life cycle of some insects?
#19 Which sequence shows the life cycle of some insects? adult -> pupa -> larva -> egg egg -> pupa -> larva -> adult larva -> pupa -> egg -> adult d. egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult

39 Answer a.

40 Which statement is an example of an inherited trait in a living thing?
#20 Which statement is an example of an inherited trait in a living thing? A child learns to ride a bicycle A cat has a kitten with a broken leg A white dog has a puppy with white fur A person has a scar from a burn

41 Answer c. A white dog has a puppy with white fur

42 You are on your way to becoming an excellent scientist!
Congratulations! You have won! You are on your way to becoming an excellent scientist!


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