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Teaching ActivitiesIndex Teaching Activities 1st period 1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3The Vocabulary,

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3 Teaching ActivitiesIndex

4 Teaching Activities 1st period 1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3 3. Reading – Paragraphs 1-3Reading – Paragraphs 1-3 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 6-7The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 6-7 2. Reading – Paragraphs 6-7Reading – Paragraphs 6-7 3. Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period 1. Word FileWord File 2. Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3. ExpansionExpansion 4. Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th period Oral & Listening~ Review Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9

5 Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 1-3

6 1 2 3 4 Time for sleep! Why don’t you take a rest in Your bag? I haven’t had fresh vegetables for months. Cheer up ! The earth is not far. We still can see it every day. See,that blue spot over there. Don’t worry! You look much better than me. D A C B Back

7 Listen to paragraphs 1-3. Skip

8 Now, answer the following questions.

9 ( ) Due to the gravity-free environment, an astronaut may ______. (A) feel tired easily (B) feel free and easy (C) not be able to tell up from down (D) have a heart smaller than normal C


11 For centuries, humans have Looked up at the sky and wondered what exists beyond the realm of our planet. for + 一段時間, 動詞需用完成式,表示 「某動作或狀態持續了一段時間」 。 It has been raining for a couple of days. We have known each other for ten years. what 引導的名詞子句作為動詞的受詞。

12 Ancient astronomers examined the night sky, hoping to learn more about the universe. Ancient astronomers examined the night sky, [hoping to learn more about the universe]. → Astronomers in ancient times looked at the night sky closely and hoped to know more about the universe.

13 More recently, movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey explored the possibility of sustaining human life in outer space, while other films have questioned whether extraterrestrial life forms may have visited our planet. The Introduction of “2001:A Space Odyssey while 為連接詞,表示「相對於 … ,同時」 Sam was poor, while his elder brother Bill was very rich. whether 所引導的名詞子句當受詞。

14 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is a science fiction classic and probably the best science-fiction film so far. It was released, at the height of the space race between the USSR and the US. It contains more spectacular imagery and stunning, pioneering technical effects than verbal dialogues. Stanley Kubrick's, the director, produces such a profound, visionary and astounding film. The film is composed of four episodes: The Dawn of Man; Jupiter Mission, 18 Months Later [(in 2001 or 2002)]; Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite; The Lunar Journey in the Year 2000.

15 Since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space in 1961, scientists have researched what conditions are like beyond Earth’s atmosphere and what effects space travel has on the human body. The Life of Yuri Gagarin

16 Yuri Gagarin was born near Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934. He joined the Soviet Air Force in 1955. By 1959, he was trained to become a cosmonaut. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit Earth! The flight lasted 89 minutes. The reentry of the spacecraft to the atmosphere was controlled by a computer. Yuri Gagarin did not land inside of the spacecraft but ejected from it and landed by parachute. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash on March 27, 1968 before he could travel in space a second time. The Life of Yuri Gagarin

17 Since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space in 1961, scientists have researched what conditions are like beyond Earth’s atmosphere and what effects space travel has on the human body. 通常主詞有最高級或 first, second, only, last 等字修飾時,可以用不定詞片語當形容 詞來修飾主詞,而此不定詞相當於關係代 名詞引導形容詞子句的用法。 The man is the youngest one to win the Olympic gold medal. Who was the first person to climb Mt. Everest? Next

18 Since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space in 1961, scientists have researched what conditions are like beyond Earth’s atmosphere and what effects space travel has on the human body....the first man to travel in space in 1961.... →...the first human being that traveled in space in 1961.... Next

19 Since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space in 1961, scientists have researched what conditions are like beyond Earth’s atmosphere and what effects space travel has on the human body. what conditions...atmosphere 及 what effects...body 為 what 所引導的兩個名詞子句,作 為受詞。 have an effect/influence/impact on 對 … 有影 響 According to psychologists, the weather has a great effect/influence/impact on people’s mood.

20 Although most astronauts do not spend more than a few months in space, many experience physiological and psychological problems when they return to Earth. Some of these illnesses are short-lived; others may be long-lasting. → Some of these illnesses last for only a short period of time, but others may last for a long period of time. Some of these illnesses are short-lived; others may be long-lasting.

21 More than two-thirds of all astronauts suffer from space motion sickness while traveling in space. space motion sickness: space sickness; space adaptation syndrome 是身體對於失重狀態的一種自然反應。

22 In the gravity-free environment, the body cannot distinguish up from down. distinguish/tell A from B 辨別 A 與 B Some people cannot distinguish/tell green from red. In the gravity-free environment, the body cannot distinguish up from down. → In weightlessness, the body can’t distinguish/tell between up and down.

23 The body’s internal balance system sends confusing signals to the brain, which can result in nausea lasting as long as a few days. the body’s internal balance system: vestibular system; sensors in the inner ear, 這系統和眼睛一起幫助人體辨別方向。 Nausea is one of the symptoms caused by space sickness. There are some other symptoms, such as slight headache, vertigo,vomit, dehydration and malnutrition.

24 The body’s internal balance system sends confusing signals to the brain, which can result in nausea lasting as long as a few days. The body’s internal balance system sends confusing signals to the brain, which can result in nausea lasting as long as a few days. → The internal system of the body signals the brain with confusing information (regarding the body’s orientation), which can cause nausea that lasts a few days long.

25 A body that is deprived of gravity also experiences changes in the distribution of body fluids. sb be deprived of sth = sth be taken away from sb 某人被剝奪某物 The criminals have been deprived of rights. After the accident, the boy was deprived of eyesight.

26 A body that is deprived of gravity also experiences changes in the distribution of body fluids. A body that is deprived of gravity also experiences changes in the distribution of body fluids. → The distribution of body fluids in a weightless body is changed as well. → In the weightlessness of space, the human body experiences fluid redistribution. → In weightlessness, body fluids shift from the legs into the chest and head.

27 More fluids than normal end up in the face, neck, and chest, resulting in a puffy face, swollen neck veins, and a slightly enlarged heart. a puffy face:puffy-face syndrome bird-leg syndrome More fluids than normal end up in the face, neck, and chest, resulting in a puffy face, swollen neck veins, and a slightly enlarged heart. → More body fluids than normal finally come to the face, neck and chest, which results in a puffy face, swollen neck veins, and a slightly enlarged heart. Back

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