Working With the Red Cross. 2 About the Red Cross Mission: The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by.

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Presentation on theme: "Working With the Red Cross. 2 About the Red Cross Mission: The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working With the Red Cross

2 2 About the Red Cross Mission: The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. 2

3 3 Fundamental Principles  Humanity  Impartiality  Neutrality  Independence  Voluntary Service  Unity  Universality 3

4 American Red Cross Structure  Washington State has 15 Red Cross Chapters  4 Regional Chapters- INW is a Regional Chapter  INW covers 6 counties in Washington & 5 in North Idaho.  We assist 5 other Community Chapters in Eastern Washington.  Mutual Aid is Statewide.  Easy to move resources and volunteers 4

5 Inland Northwest Region 5

6 Chapter/Regional Leadership 6 Terry Pollard Regional CEO Responsible for Red Cross service delivery, fundraising and external relations in the region. Megan Snow Communications Director In charge of special event planning and regional public affairs. Dawn Holman Volunteer Services Director Recruits, interviews and assigns new volunteers. Kris Pitcher Chief Development Officer, Creates and fosters community partnerships and donors.

7 Chapter Disaster Leadership 7 Jamie Hill Emergency Services Director Oversees the disaster response at the Inland Northwest Chapter. Sam McQueen Emergency Services Coordinator Coordinates disaster volunteer intake and deployments. Arlene Chandra Training Coordinator Coordinates and creates the training schedule. Valeta Biggs Disaster Health Services Lead Health Services instructor and disaster liaison. Bob Reimer Logistics Coordinator Handles all of our supplies, trailers, and vehicles.

8 Red Cross Disaster Response Performance Standards  24/7/365 coverage and notification  2 hour maximum to make contact with client  4 hours to set up a shelter. Advance notice helps with planning! 8

9 The Big Stuff  Large scale event- wildfires, apartment fire, flooding, earthquake, hazardous materials spill, etc.  loss of several residences  large evacuation  If the event is outside of Spokane County, the ES Director and the entire Team will come to support the local volunteers, and help manage the event  Will immediately initiate the five key functions of Disaster Services 9

10 Five Key Functions of Disaster Services  Sheltering  Feeding  Public Affairs/ Fundraising  Disaster Assessment  Staffing an Emergency Operation Center (EOC) 10

11 Red Cross Resources  241 Shelters  12 Trailers 60 cots in each 120 blankets in each  2 Emergency Response Vehicles  222 Disaster Volunteers 11

12 House Fires  Our most common response is a local house fire  The on-call Disaster Action Team (DAT) Lead will receive the call and respond to the scene with their team  The DAT team lead will work with the Fire Department Incident Commander on scene to assess the situation and get information about the damage to the home  They will then talk with the clients to determine what their immediate emergency needs are 12

13 13  Comfort kits (hygiene items, toys, etc.)  Temporary housing  Food  Clothing  Medical items/Medications  Emotional Support  Referral to long-term support services  Development of a recovery plan  Assistance with security deposit and/or first month’s rent  Support (canteen services) to emergency responders The Red Cross provides:

14 FY 2011 - FY 2013 Inland NW Chapter Disaster Response Stats 14

15 “In Kittitas County, emergency response agencies and the local American Red Cross have established an integrated and proactive relationship in managing events in our community. The relationship integrates the Red Cross in all aspects of emergency preparedness – prevention, planning, response, mitigation and recovery. The results have been an efficient response and duplication of services is avoided. This was evident in the Taylor Bridge Fire.” -Rich Elliott, Kittitas Valley Fire and Rescue Deputy Fire Chief 15

16 16 Partner Organizations 16 SOUTHERN BAPTISTS

17 Questions, Comments? 17 Inland Northwest Red Cross 315 West Nora Ave. Spokane, WA 99205 (509)326-3330

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