EFET views on a post-2020 RES integration framework Jérôme Le Page IEE-EU Market4RES Kick-off Stakeholder Workshop Brussels, 28 April 2014 Market4RES workshop,

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Presentation on theme: "EFET views on a post-2020 RES integration framework Jérôme Le Page IEE-EU Market4RES Kick-off Stakeholder Workshop Brussels, 28 April 2014 Market4RES workshop,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EFET views on a post-2020 RES integration framework Jérôme Le Page IEE-EU Market4RES Kick-off Stakeholder Workshop Brussels, 28 April 2014 Market4RES workshop, 28 April 2014 European Federation of Energy Traders 1

2 Market4RES workshop, 28 April 2014 2 RES integration in the IEM can deliver secure, affordable and competitive energy in the EU  Commercial dispatch can increase value and reduce required support  Allowing RES output to be moderated would increase its value (i.e. it would not have to run at a negative price)  Removing artificial downside makes RES capacity more tradable in forward markets:  more wholesale liquidity  easier for RES to get off-take contracts  price transparency  capacity adequacy Output MWh Price Euro/MWh OUTPUT = 94 MARKET VALUE =126 Output MWh Price Euro/MWh OUTPUT = 100 MARKET VALUE =100 FIT-based vs. commercial dispatch

3 Market4RES workshop, 28 April 2014 3 What EFET expects from Market4RES: Working towards a world without RES support (fin. & dispatch) % of support coming from 2020 2030 2040 2050 Feed in tariffs Absolute priority dispatch Premiums or Certificates Commercia l priority dispatch No subsidy (beyond ETS and R&D) No priority dispatch DESIRABLE OBJECTIVES:  EU targets for 2030, not national  Convergence of support schemes  No cross-border restrictions on trade in RES generation  All RES sold into the market by producers  RES producers with balance responsibility (like other generators)  “Priority dispatch” should evolve towards a situation where RES can always connect and dispatch if it wants to i.e. it is a commercial decision 100%

4 Market4RES workshop, 28 April 2014 4 Main market drivers  Patchwork approaches in RES support schemes threaten the effectiveness of the internal energy market:  possible distortion of price signals in the energy (MWh) market (forward, DA and ID) will negatively affect market liquidity  dilution of MWh price signals could also damage incentives to invest in reliable and flexible power generation means (vicious circle)  Balancing NC and Pilot projects should pave the way towards RES balancing responsibility (taking into account the emergence of aggregators)  Cross-border tradability of RES attributes should increase the participation to and the liquidity of intraday and day-ahead markets  Integration of RES will favour appropriate forward market price signals, promote investment and reduce the need for capacity mechanisms

5 Market4RES workshop, 28 April 2014 5 Thanks for your attention European Federation of Energy Traders Amstelveenseweg 998 1081 JS Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)20 5207970 Email: secretariat@efet.orgsecretariat@efet.org www.efet.org

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