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Church History The Great Century © John Stevenson, 2008.

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1 Church History The Great Century © John Stevenson, 2008

2 Describe the Mission Program in your Church What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses?

3 Hudson Taylor 18001825185018751900 Second Great Awakening American Civil War Carey Livingston

4 1761-1834 Shoemaker Particular Baptist (Calvinist)

5 1761-1834 “Young man, sit down; when God pleases to convert the heathen, he will do it without your aid and mine.”

6 1761-1834 Shoemaker Particular Baptist (Calvinist) Pastor “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”

7 1761-1834 Shoemaker Particular Baptist (Calvinist) Pastor Missionary to India –Self supporting –Communal living –Translations of the Bible –Accredited College

8 1806 Five students at Williams College in Massachusetts Student Missionary Societies

9 1832-1905 Missionary to China Founded China Inland Mission –800 Missionaries from various denominations –125 schools Adopted Chinese clothing

10 1832-1905 “If I had a thousand pounds China should have it - if I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No! Not China, but Christ. Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a precious Savior?”

11 1832-1905 “God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.”

12 18001825185018751900 Second Great Awakening American Civil War John Nelson Darby Dispensationalism God has two separate plans & peoples Christ has two future comings Two kinds of Christians: Spiritual/Fleshly

13 18001825185018751900 Second Great Awakening American Civil War John Nelson Darby Mormons Joseph Smith

14 18001825185018751900 Second Great Awakening American Civil War John Nelson Darby Mormons Millerites William Miller Seventh Day Adventists

15 18001825185018751900 Second Great Awakening American Civil War John Nelson Darby Mormons Millerites Darwin’s Origin of the Species

16 How did the Roman Catholic doctrine of Mary’s immaculate conception (1854) help pave the way for the doctrine of papal infallibility a few years later (1870)?

17 Read and Discuss the Roman Catholic doctrine of Papal Infallibility (pg 288-9) How was this received by the church? What are the limitations of this teaching? What kind of authority to Protestant leaders claim?


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