Alternative Technologies for Capturing Classroom Presentations Nick Laudato, University of Pittsburgh Mark McCallister, University of Florida Kevin Abbott,

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Technologies for Capturing Classroom Presentations Nick Laudato, University of Pittsburgh Mark McCallister, University of Florida Kevin Abbott,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Technologies for Capturing Classroom Presentations Nick Laudato, University of Pittsburgh Mark McCallister, University of Florida Kevin Abbott, University of Notre Dame Track 3 Copyright © 2003 Learning Technology Consortium, Nicholas C. Laudato, Mark McCallister, and Kevin Abbott. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

2 A collaborative of nine universities with common interests and challenges in the area of teaching and learning with technology ● Indiana University ● University of Delaware ● University of Florida ● University of Georgia ● University of North Carolina ● University of Notre Dame ● University of Pittsburgh ● Virginia Tech ● Wake Forest University

3 Framework SynchronousAsynchronous Time Location Local Distant

4 Agenda  University of Pittsburgh  Commercial Solutions: Janus, InterWrite, Tegrity, MediaSite Live  University of Florida  Low Cost/Infrastructure Flexible-Input Video Solution  University of Notre Dame  Low Cost/Infrastructure Manual Solution  Questions

5 University of Pittsburgh Nick Laudato

6 Pittsburgh Greensburg Johnstown Bradford Titusville University of Pittsburgh  Founded in 1787  Five campuses  Eighteen Academic Centers  Graduate, undergraduate, professional, and continuing education programs  30,102 Fall-term FTE  4,411 full- and part-time faculty members

7 Janus – Capturing Whiteboards

8 The Janus Model Hitachi (Wacom) LCD Panel Altinex VGA Splitter Hitachi StarBoard Software

9 Janus Deployment at Pitt

10 Super-Janus: Plasma SmartBoard

11 Instructional Application: Virtual Whiteboard

12 Instructional Application: Screen Annotations

13 InterWrite School Pad  Mobile graphics pad  Can act as a mobile mouse  Enables annotations on the computer screen  Enables virtual whiteboard applications  Uses wireless Bluetooth technology

14 Tegrity Audio and Video of Instructor Instructor’s Desktop Pointer Index Navigation Tool Area for Closed Captioning A/V Controls

15 The Tegrity Model

16 Tegrity Distribution

17 MediaSite Live

18 The MediaSite Live Model

19 MediaSite Live Distribution

20 Supplementing Tegrity/MSL Include VHS/DVD Video Integrate with ITV

21 Issues and Considerations  Goal is to capture “live” presentations, but presenters want to do post- production edits  Tegrity provides limited editing  The typical class is too long (2-3 hours)  Limit to from 10 to at most 20 minutes  Provide instructional designer assistance  Video/Visual content and accessibility  Tegrity enables closed captioning

22 Issues and Considerations  High quality recordings require high bandwidth  Consider distributing content via CD and accessing via “off-line content” in Bb  Some “cognitive overhead” comes with the technology  Provide an operator to assist instructor  Budget and/or charge back for costs of replacement technology and operator

23 Some Estimated Costs JanusTegrityMSL LCD Touch Panel$2,000$2,000$2,000 VGA Splitter$200$200$200 Video CameraN/A$900$900 Copy StandN/A$4,500$4,500 Presentation PC$2,000N/A$2,000 Capture HardwareN/A$14,000$25,000 Server LicenseN/A$12,000$6,000 Client LicenseN/A$1,700/5N/A MaintenanceN/A20%20%

24 University of Florida Mark McCallister

25  Founded in 1853  Located in Gainesville  Seventeen Colleges  Graduate, undergraduate, professional, and continuing education programs  34,000 Undergraduate students  13,000 Graduate students  3,700 full- and part-time faculty members


27 University of Florida  Conversion of introductory Statistics and Writing to streaming-lecture format  Other streaming courses at UF include:  Business undergraduate and graduate courses  Engineering courses  Many individual courses and individual components

28 University of Florida  The Classroom  34-seat table/chair classroom  Data projector, camera, wireless microphone, document camera, computer

29 University of Florida  The Courses  STA 2023: Introduction to Statistics  2300 students in Fall 2003  ENC 1101: Introduction to College Writing  1339 students in Fall 2003  ENC 1102: Argument and Persuasion  657 students in Fall 2003

30 University of Florida  The Logistics  Output format from classroom is NTSC video  Transmit across campus by fiber or tape for encoding/streaming at remote site  Transport tape to TV station for playback  Post-production or not is choice of instructor

31 University of Florida  The Delivery  Residence Hall Cable  Local Cable TV  On-Demand Streaming

32 University of Florida  The Costs  Classroom ($12,500 total)  Projector ($4000)  Camera on fluid-head tripod ($800 to $3500)  Computer with video-out ($1000)  Document Camera with video-out ($2000)  PIP Video Switcher ($1000)  Monitors for Instructor and Camera Operator ($500)  Wireless microphone ($500)

33 University of Florida  The Costs (Transport Mechanisms)  Analog fiber: $2700 plus fiber cost  MPEG-2 codecs: $18,000 or less per pair  Staff to transport DVCAM tapes

34 University of Florida  The Costs (Logistics and Servers)  Logistics  Personnel, including camera operator, encoding technician - $2500  Streaming Servers  Racks, switches, RAID arrays, NAS and streaming servers - $27,000

35 University of Florida  The Benefits & Savings  Reduced large lecture hall usage  Students have on-demand access to lectures  90% of statistics students choose to watch online  Makes it possible to spend effort on lab sections and discussions

36 University of Notre Dame Kevin Abbott

37 UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME  Founded in 1787  Located in Notre Dame, Indiana  Five Colleges  Graduate, undergraduate, professional, and continuing education programs  8,000 Undergraduate students  3,000 Graduate students  1,600 full- and part-time faculty members

38 The Notre Dame Approach  The Notre Dame Approach allows those with small budgets or a need to quickly capture a class the ability to do so easily with little or no infrastructure and experience required.  Asynchronous learning, both Local and Distant  Low-cost  Manually intensive  Flexible  Easy to learn  Primarily for class archival in large classes  No live capture and distribution  Little infrastructure needed

39 Who Is Using This at Notre Dame?  Executive MBA Program  Students only on campus once a month  Needed courses delivered when not on campus  Physics  International study abroad program  Required course  7 students spread throughout Europe, 6 on campus  Needed same day access to class  Economics  Archival for large intro classes for review and those who missed class

40 What Steps Are Required for This?  Record  PowerPoint Narration used for recording  Wireless Lavalier Microphone used for audio input  Mobile Drive used for saving recording  Process  Save PowerPoint slides as JPEG files  Edit audio files if needed with Sound Forge  Insert slides and audio files into Software  Output  Serve files through http or streaming server

41 What Tools are Needed?  Record  PowerPoint > Record Narration  UHF Wireless Lavalier Microphone  40GB Mobile Drive  Process  For Flash – Flash MX 2004 Slide Feature  For Windows Media – Windows Movie Maker  For QuickTime – LiveSlideShow 2.0

42 RecordProcessOutput How Do You Do This?

43 RecordProcess Total Flash Summary Windows Media QuickTime $ 655 655 0 $ 875 735 655 Office XP Wireless Lavalier Mobile Drive $ 150 330 175 Studio MX 2004$ 220 LiveSlideShow 2.0 $ 50 QuickTime Pro 30 $ 220 80 655 Detail How Much Does It Cost?

44 Flash Windows MediaQuickTime Notre Dame Examples

45 Questions? Nick Laudato Pittsburgh Mark McCallister Florida Kevin Abbott Notre Dame

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