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Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System (AIMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System (AIMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System (AIMS)

2 AIMS Components Source code instrumentors –xinstrument –batch_inst Monitoring library Analysis tools –View Kernel (VK) –tally statistics generator

3 xinstrument GUI allows user to select specific source code constructs to be instrumented Default is to instrument all communication routines Other possibilities –All subroutines –All I/O –Enable by Type –Point and click on particular constructs in Construct Tree diagrams

4 xinstrument (cont.) Regards source code as nested collection of constructs –conditionals –loops –subroutines –communication calls Instrumented construct is replaced or surrounded by calls to AIMS monitor routines Execution of instrumented construct generates time- stamped event

5 xinstrument display

6 Files Menu Selections

7 Options Menu Selections

8 Enable by Type dialog box

9 Advanced Options Menu Selections

10 Files created by xinstrument The following files are created by xinstrument and placed in./inst or designated output directory –Instrumented source code –AIMS.monrc - parameters from Settings pane plus other options –Application database default name is APPL_DB Stores information about static structure of application Used by analysis tools to relate traced events to Instrumented constructs Incorporated at beginning of trace file –Profile Table of flags, one for each construct in The application database Can be edited to change instrumentation

11 batch_inst Command-line instrumentor batch_inst [-options] [filenames] where options include:

12 Compiling and Running Instrumented Code Copy necessary files to inst directory –Makefile –Header files –Source files not instrumented –Input files

13 Example directory structure

14 Compiling and Running (cont.) Link with AIMS MPI monitor library MON_LIB = $(AIMS_DIR)/lib app: $(F77) -o app_program $(APP_OBJS) $(MON_LIB)/mpilib.a Set $AIMS_TMP_DIR environment variable to location to store local trace files Make sure AIMS scripts and executables are in your path Per-process trace files are automatically collected and merged at end of execution

15 Visualizing Trace Files with VK View Kernel (VK) animates a trace file VCR-like controls for tracefile playback Can set breakpoints by time or in specific source code constructs Source code click-back capability Timeline display Spokes view animates messages passed between tasks

16 Timeline Display Toggles between three different views OverVIEW –Horizontal bars represent tasks –Colors represent different instrumented subroutines –White space indicates task is blocked waiting to complete send or receive –XX pattern indicates time spent writing AIMS trace files to disk –Lines between bars represent messages transmitted between taSks –Use keystroke and click combinations to get more information

17 AIMS OverVIEW with source code clickback

18 Click-back keystroke combinations

19 Timeline Display (cont.) I/OverVIEW –Colored bars indicate read, write, seek, etc. –Height of bar represents size of message MsgVIEW –Idle time shown with two colors, one for send idling and one for receive idling –Time spent computing shown as white space –Message lines –Height of bar represents message size



22 blue - idle receive green - busy yellow - idle send hatched - flushing Spokes View

23 Controlling Scale and Speed of Playback No scrolling or zooming capabilities Set jump factor between 0 and 1 to speed up animation Set pause times or breakpoints to slow down animation Set scale to view larger or smaller time interval (default is 100 milliseconds)

24 tally Processes trace file to produce resource utilization statistics on node-by-node and routine-by-routine basis tally output can be input to statistical drawing packages such as Excel or WingZ

25 tally [options] [sorted tracefile] where options include:

26 tally output - tally.summary Information for each procedure/function: –busy time: time spent performing useful work –global blocking: time spent in global blocking operation –send blocking: time spent in send operation –receive blocking: time spent in receive operation –life time: exclusive time –percentage communication: percentage of total execution time spent in communication –communication index: time spent in routine with respect to total time of program, as well as percentage of time spent in communication in this routine

27 tally.summary (cont.) Information for each node (and routine): –busy time –global blocking –send blocking –recv blocking –percentage communication

28 tally output - ncpu.summary NCPU for a given subroutine and a given k is the amount of CPU time used by that subroutine when k processors are busy, divided by k. Routine Concurrency - amount of time spent by each subroutine when k copies were executing simultaneously (indicates degree to which each routine was parallelized)

29 Graphs created by Excel 4.0 from tally output

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