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5th Grade Chapter 3 Notes Continued

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1 5th Grade Chapter 3 Notes Continued
Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary systems

2 Respiratory System Mucus ____________ is a sticky, thick fluid that traps dust, germs, and other things that may be in the air. 1. Air enters through the _______or ________. 2. __________warm and moisten the air. 3. With its hairs and layer of ________, the nose traps dust and germs. 4. Air passes from the sinus to the back of the throat and into the _________. 5. The larynx contains the ______________. nose mouth Sinuses Mucus Larynx Vocal Cords

3 How Air Travels into and Through your Body Continued
6. ___________ is a tube that carries air from the larynx to the lungs. 7. The trachea leads to two branches called ___________that go into the _______. 8. In the lungs, these tubes branch into smaller and smaller tubes called__________. ___________is a disease in which these tubes may become narrowed. This prevents air from easily traveling through the lungs. Trachea Bronchi Lungs bronchioles Asthma

4 How Air Travels into and Through your Body Continued
9. The bronchioles end in clusters of tiny thin-walled pouches or ________ in the lungs - oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood. Air sacs are also called _______. 10. The _________is a dome-shaped muscle that forms the bottom of the chest area - muscle _________it moves _______ and gets _______. Air sacs alveoli diaphragm muscle down flatter

5 Cilia _______are tiny, hairlike structures on cells in the linings of many parts of the respiratory system, such as the trachea. - Cilia help clean air by __________ very rapidly - pushes dirty __________ out of the _________ to the _________, where it is swallowed. Cilia waving mucuc Lungs Throat

6 Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working Together
Respiratory and circulatory systems work together to get ________ to the cells. The respiratory system gets the oxygen to tiny ________ inside your ______. The _______picks up the oxygen there and carries it to all your _____.  In the _______: __________ leaves the lungs and enters the blood. _______________ leaves the blood and enters the lungs. oxygen Air sacs lungs blood cells Air sacs oxygen Carbon dioxide

7 Output / Input Output of one system is the input of the other system.
Several systems working together to make sure your cells get oxygen - EXAMPLE When you hold your breath, ____________ builds up in your blood. Your _______ can sense this. Your brain sends a message to the ____________ and rib _________ telling them to _________..    Carbon dioxide brain diaphragm muscles breathe

8 Digestive System Food has to be ___________ before your cells can use it - broken down into very small materials. Then the food can enter the __________ to get to your ________. Digestion takes many ________ working together. Each organ has __________ that help it do its part of the job. changed blood cells organs structures

9 Mouth and Esophagus _____________ is the first step of digestion - makes food small enough to swallow, and it makes the job of the rest of the digestive system easier.   The ____________ is a tube that carries food to the stomach - pushes food to the stomach by squeezing its rings of __________ in a pattern. Food travels through the esophagus to the stomach in about two or three ___________. chewing esophagus muscles seconds

10 Stomach stomach stretch fluids squeeze paste
___________ - At the bottom of your esophagus - a tight round muscle. When you swallow, this muscle relaxes and opens to let food into your stomach. Then the muscle closes to keep the food from moving back into your esophagus.   Stomach's walls can _______ to store all the food from a meal. The stomach produces ________ that help to digest foods. As strong muscles in the stomach's walls __________, these fluids mix with the food. After the food becomes a soupy _________, it is ready to leave your stomach. stretch fluids squeeze paste

11 Intestines Small Intestine Liver pancreas Blood vessels villi
The stomach squeezes the partly digested food into a narrow, winding tube called the _____________ __________ and _____________are organs that send chemicals to your small intestine to help digest food. When digestion is finished, the particles of digested food can move into ________________ that are in the walls of your intestine.   Tiny finger-shaped structures called _________are found all over the inside walls of the small intestine. Villi give the small intestine more ______________ to absorb food.   Small Intestine Liver pancreas Blood vessels villi Surface area

12 Large Intestine At the end of the ________________, some food that cannot be digested remains. This food waste moves to a wider tube called the ______________ - also known as the ______. Helpful bacteria live here. The large intestine takes _________ and _______from the wastes making the waste more solid. Finally, muscles squeeze to push the ________ out of the body. Small intestine Large intestine colon water salts waste

13 Urinary System Urinary system kidneys backbone kidney regulates
___________________ - rid the body of wastes that are in the blood. ______________ are a pair of organs that remove wastes from your blood. They are on either side of your ____________, just under your lowest ribs.   When wastes are filtered out of the blood, many other materials also leave the blood - water, salt, calcium, nutrients, and other chemicals your body needs. The ____________ has to put the right amount of these materials back into the blood to keep the body healthy. Kidneys help keep the amounts of these materials from getting too high or too low - ____________ kidneys backbone kidney regulates

14 Urine Mix of wastes and water is ___________.
A _________ carries urine away from the kidneys to the _______________. ____________stores urine until it leaves the body. The kidneys are not the only organs that get rid of cells’ wastes. _______________ is a waste product removed by the lungs. ______________- also release a small amount of cells’ wastes in sweat. urine tube Urinary bladder bladder Carbon dioxide Sweat Glands

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