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Concept Learning Main Idea and Detail Diane Hamel Expository Writing.

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2 Concept Learning Main Idea and Detail Diane Hamel Expository Writing

3 Concept Learning Children have the ability to apply knowledge to a variety of circumstances : Expository Writing click here

4 Concrete Concepts Diagramming and Understanding the Expository Framework Students read an expository text and identify and label the key parts using the PILLAR FRAMEWORKS as a guide: o Introduction o Main ideas o Supporting details o Conclusion

5 Attributes Relates to how something works and what its use might be. Functional Attributes click here

6 Attributes Functional Attribute Body of the piece Contains 3 paragraphs, each with a broad main idea sentence that explains what the paragraph is about, followed by at least 4 supporting details.

7 Cognitive Processes When learners have acquired a concept, they have the ability to recognize that pattern. When learning that pattern, children are taught two cognitive processes: generalization and overgeneralization Generalization and Overgeneralization click here

8 Cognitive Process Generalization and Overgeneralization o On the SMART Board, read a sample of an expository piece. Walk the students though the expository pillar, defining each part. o Discuss, define, and identify each section of the piece. o Repeat with additional examples

9 General Strategy Expository Approach presents the concept earlier in the lesson Show some examples and non- examples after a mini-lesson on the characteristics of a topic sentence and detail sentences. Expository Approach click here

10 General Strategy Expository Approach The climate in the desert is harsh. The temperature ranges from 20 degrees in the evening to 120 degrees during the day. There is very little rainfall. In fact, there is less rainfall in the desert than anywhere else on earth—as little as an inch a year! In Connecticut we get quite a bit of rain. The air is very dry in the desert and wind storms are common. Read the following paragraph.

11 The climate in the desert is harsh. The temperature ranges from 20 degrees in the evening to 120 degrees during the day. There is very little rainfall. In fact, there is less rainfall in the desert than anywhere else on earth—as little as an inch a year! In Connecticut we get quite a bit of rain. The air is very dry in the desert and wind storms are common. Choose the topic sentence, the detail sentences, and the sentence that does not belong.

12 General Strategy The climate in the desert is harsh. This is the topic sentence. It tells that the paragraph will be about the harsh climate in the desert

13 General Strategy In Connecticut we get quite a bit of rain. This sentence does not belong.

14 General Strategy The temperature ranges from 20 degrees in the evening to 120 degrees during the day. Detail - This sentence tells about the desert’s climate.

15 General Strategy Detail - This sentence tells about the desert’s climate. In fact, there is less rainfall in the desert than anywhere else on earth—as little as an inch a year!

16 General Strategy Detail - This sentence tells about the desert’s climate. The air is very dry in the desert and wind storms are common.

17 General Strategy Detail - This sentence tells about the desert’s climate. There is very little rainfall.

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