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World War II Begins brain pop. Elected 1932 Served until 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt US President.

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1 World War II Begins brain pop

2 Elected 1932 Served until 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt US President

3 Why does the war begin? When did World War II begin? September 3, 1939 Why? Three countries: Japan, Italy, and Germany started taking over other countries. Britain and France were tired of the takeovers and declared war on Germany.

4 America’s feelings toward war Before WWII When WWI ended, America was happy to be back to “normal,” everyday life. REMEMBER: America never wanted to join WWI in the first place! America did not want to be involved in another war.

5 Education: Before WWII Going to school was NOT mandatory in every state. Many schools contained one classroom. Education was very poor.

6 Family Size: Before WWII Before WWII, families tended to be a lot larger. Average number of children per family was 4 and sometimes more than 10. Large number of children helped to ease work load among family.

7 Transportation: Before WWII Most people traveled by train or trolleys. Few families owned cars until the Economic Boom, when they became more affordable.

8 Urbanization: Before WWII Most people moved near or to the city because of the availability of jobs. Big businesses and the invention of electricity helped to establish large cities.

9 Role of Women: Before WWII Women were finally able to vote due to the 19 th Amendment While men fought in WWI, women took over factory jobs. Women were also became nurses to aid injured soldiers.

10 Pre-WWII Create trifold ; if possible make column on left smaller than other 2 on right. Glue into journal. Create trifold ; if possible make column on left smaller than other 2 on right. Glue into journal. What? Feelings on war Education Family Size Transportation Urbanization Role of women Before World War II Didn’t want war-WWI harsh School not required, little teacher ed. Larger-more kids Trains, trolleys, some cars Some people move to cities to work Can vote, more opportunities to work After World War II Wb pg. 115

11 WWII-Day 2 Show video clip of FDR’s speech (on pearl harbor ppt) Show video clip of FDR’s speech (on pearl harbor ppt) Show Pearl Harbor ppt of pictures of attack and now Show Pearl Harbor ppt of pictures of attack and now Divide students into groups of four and answer wb. Pg. 122 Divide students into groups of four and answer wb. Pg. 122 Continue this ppt Continue this ppt

12 Why does the United States get involved? The United States was hesitant to get involved at first. They believed that Europe should handle its own problems. December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. * This harbor was a base used by the Navy.

13 In the Pacific….. Pearl Harbor: “a date which will live in infamy” Pearl Harbor: “a date which will live in infamy” USS Arizona Sinking in Pearl Harbor Cause? Surprise attack by the Japanese on American forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Effect? US declares war on Japan & other Axis powers

14 Americans at War The war led to the production of: * Airplanes * tanks * other war supplies If the men were off fighting who took over the men’s jobs? Women

15 Women and the War Women carried out many of the same duties they had during World War I. This time they took on even more responsibilities such as: – Serving in the armed forces – Making maps – Flying more planes to airfields in Europe and the Pacific

16 America’s feelings toward war After WWII After the attack on Pearl Harbor, America was forced once again to join a war. At the end of WWII, America was still afraid of future attacks. This fear of stemmed from the Cold War (post WWII).

17 Education: After WWII Children now had a bus to get to school. Bigger and better schools. Quality of education increased. Many high school graduates began to attend college.

18 Family Size: After WWII Family size decreased; Less children=Less expensive. Average number of children per family decreased to 1-3. Families unable to afford to take care of large number of children.

19 Transportation: After WWII Most people owned and traveled by cars. Highways helped make the commute from suburbs to cities faster. Commercial air travel began around 1945, however it was extremely expensive.

20 Urbanization: After WWII Most families moved to suburbs. Owning a car made it easier to live outside the city. Suburbs was also a better place to raise a family.

21 Role of Women: After WWII Most women stayed at home to tend to children or do housework (cooking, cleaning, etc.) Few women remained working in factories.

22 After WWII What? Feelings on war Education Family Size Transportation Urbanization Role of women Before World War II Didn’t want war-WWI harsh School not required, little teacher ed. Larger-more kids Trains, trolleys, some cars Some people move to cities to work Can vote, more opportunities to work After World War II Cold War-fearful of others attacking US School buses, better educ., college smaller-2 children=less expensive More cars, planes, buses, highways More suburbs due to car transportation Women went back home to be model Wife and mom “Leave it to Beaver”

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